The recent trend of escape rooms that has spread across the world have now enlisted some magical help. Escape Room Novi, based in Michigan (yes, I suppose that’s just a little far from Nottingham for a day trip, but 120% worth it), currently offers a selection of escape rooms including a jungle room, a pirate room, and a graphic asylum with varying difficulty levels that will suit both adults and kids alike. Accompanied by a group of people you may at first call friends or family, but may intensely dislike by the end of this experience, you are locked in a room, and only by solving a series of puzzles will you be able to find your way out. However, come August, a Harry Potter themed escape room will join this eclectic mixture of fun. The Harry Potter train never stops!
Die-hard fans of the franchise will be pleased to know that this escape room (fittingly called the School of Magic) is muggle friendly, although your escape will no doubt be bolstered by the help of some magic. Accio key anyone?! Pro tip: bring your wand! (In your pink umbrella if you’re feeling just a little bit fancy.)
Not quite with the Harry Potter train? Escape Room Novi also offer a plethora of gift certificates on their website, so if you know someone who’s get just a little too excited at the mention of broomsticks and History of Magic, then you may have found the perfect present. You may purchase these on their website here:
There appears to be limited information as of yet about what this room entails, although given the colourful background of the Harry Potter universe, it seems that the possibilities are indeed endless. I personally am hoping for a three-headed dog with a series of life-threatening traps in the style of the numerous trials in Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. Although, I have been informed that this may be a little too optimistic. There are also lots of interesting puzzles in the Triwizard Tournament and perhaps they could hire some dragons and sphinxes as well.
Adorable, right?
Whatever they are, I’m sure it will truly magical. We can hardly wait.
What kind of Harry Potter style challenges are you hoping to see?