The house hunt is stressful for everyone! Picking your family for the next year is so difficultl! How come people in the real world get years to decide and we get about three months? Finding that perfect house with nice rooms, near the uni and the town IS possible and here are the stages every Collegiette goes through trying to find her castle:
University requires you pick the people you’re going to live with for a year after knowing them for three months…
Naturally, some people won’t make the cut…
…why are they upset? It’s perfectly fair!
Unless of course it’s happening to you…
So you and your future housemates feel pretty good when you go looking around for that dream house…
You’re panicking a little because you know making decisions isn’t your strong point!
Especially since some of the houses have GREAT features…
You end up seeing so many houses you tend to jumble them up in your head…
Which makes it especially difficult to fight your case when one person thinks your dream house isn’t quite right for the group…
But you KNOW it is…
Unipol is getting a bit much…
especially when you lose a house you were really interested in!
but eventually you trail through Unipol, trek around houses and look over contracts like an adult and you find something!
and you’re all going to be one big happy family!
…until it comes to the room draw!
Happy house hunting Collegiettes!
Edited by Ili Mustafa