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How to Get That Summer Glow This Winter

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Nottingham chapter.

Winter has arrived – bringing with it frosty weather and central heating that together wreak havoc with your skin! The pain caused by cracked lips and red knuckles is somewhat dulled by various creams and lip salves, but you’ve pretty much given up on trying to make any lipstick look decent as we enter the Christmas party season! If you’re feeling really fed up of all this redness, then read on for some tips to de-Rudolph and become your beautiful glowing self once more!

Moisturise like mad!

 Although many people moisturise as part of their daily routine throughout the year, the moisturiser you rely on in the warmer months of the year may not work so well for you when it is colder. When choosing a moisturiser, go for one that is oil-based rather that water-based as the oil helps your skin to retain more moisture by creating a protective layer on your skin. This applies for the skin all over your body, not just your face, so any for any dry spots, slather yourself in some oily ointment!

Grab your gloves!

The skin on your hands is some of the thinnest on your body and also has less oil glands, so therefore is incredibly prone to becoming dry and cracked. While using a moisturiser can help, it is also good to have some gloves or mittens on hand to give them a little bit of extra protection. For even better results, opt for non-wool gloves, since the alternative can often lead to irritation and itchy knuckles. If you still love a good knitted pair (to be fair, they are the cutest!) then make sure they’re lined with another fabric – then they’re thicker, warmer and less irritant!

Turn down the temperature!

While a burning hot bath or shower feels fab this time of year, either first thing on a cold morning or to warm up after a day outside, having your water too hot actually does more harm than good to your skin! Hot water makes your skin more permeable, allowing things you may not want to pass through your skin, as well as taking away the skin’s natural moisturising elements. In addition to this, washing the skin with soaps and chemicals too often can cause further dryness, also by washing away the skin’s natural oils. From now on, stick to a slightly cooler shower and don’t soak for too long amongst the bubbles!

Why not water?

While water is obviously known to generally have many health benefits, there is no scientific evidence to prove that drinking lots of the stuff will make your skin any better. The myth perhaps stems from the fact that those who drink plenty are healthier and therefore look healthier, but that alone isn’t enough to make a difference to your skin unless you are already severely dehydrated. So drink up, but don’t expect a flawless face as a result!

Seek a specialist

If your skin continues to be painful and no online guru seems to solve the situation, then the best option is to seek medical advice either from a doctor, dermatologist or an aesthetician who can tell you what’s really going on, and maybe even prescribe something to help. Remember that everyone’s skin is different and what works for one type may not for another.

Edited by: Sarah Holmes









Student at the University of Nottingham studying English and French. Spending a year in France doing sport, sailing and marketing.
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