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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Nottingham chapter.

There seem to be a massive influx of unrealistic morning routines online,
especially on social media platforms such as Instagram and TikTok.
These routines are pushed my influences, documenting waking up at
6am every day, in a massive fancy apartment, going to the gym and
then eating a full breakfast, then doing a ten-step skincare routine with
products worth hundreds of pounds. Then, these influencers seem to
clean their entire house all in the span of about 4 hours. These
unrealistic routines are then repeated by a-list celebrities such as Oprah,
and enforced by popular media such vogue beauty secrets, which
presents celebrities like Kendall Jenner practicing a ten-step routine at
7am, set with a facemask costing hundreds of pounds.

But what even is a morning routine?
The concept of a morning routine, especially one as specific as shown
on social media, is a fairly new thing, emerging with the growing
popularity of platforms such as TikTok, where the aim is to present an
ideal life, with a morning that sets you up for success. Sure, there is
some truth to this, getting up early has proven to help you be successful,
but how far can this go? The whole idea of a perfect morning routine is
highly unrealistic, especially with people who have jobs and even kids,
or are just not morning people. Furthermore, what does this say for the
consumers self esteem? A lot of the people that absorb these ideal
morning routines are young teens, who a lot of the time can’t afford to
wake up and apply ten skincare products, or even some that can’t afford
to eat a full breakfast.

So, what celebrities show these type of morning routines that are highly

  1. Oprah Winfrey
    Wakes up around 6 AM without an alarm.
    Starts her day with meditation (20 minutes).
    Works out
    Enjoys a healthy breakfast with herbal tea.
    Reads inspirational content before starting work
  2. Jennifer Aniston
    Wakes up at 4:30 or 5 AM (earlier if filming).
    Drinks hot lemon water and takes a probiotic.
    Meditates for 20 minutes.
    Works out
    Has a protein-rich breakfast
  3. Gwyneth Paltrow
    Wakes up early and drinks warm water with lemon.
    Dry brushes her skin for detoxification.
    Does yoga or Pilates.
    Eats a nutrient-packed breakfast
    (this example is particularly controversial, especially as all she seems to
    consume throughout the day is lemon water)
  4. Michelle Obama
    Wakes up by 4:30 AM to work out.
    Does cardio and strength training.
    Has a healthy breakfast with her family.
    Spends time reading or journaling.
  5. Kim Kardashian
    Wakes up at 5:30 AM.
    Works out for an hour
    Drinks a green smoothie or oatmeal.
    Gets ready for the day while managing family time.
  6. Reese Witherspoon
    Wakes up around 5:30 AM.
    Drinks green juice and coffee.
    Reads for about 30 minutes.
    Has a high-protein breakfast.
  7. Bella Hadid
    Wakes up and drinks lemon water.
    Does Pilates or boxing.
    Eats eggs, toast, or a smoothie.
    Uses skincare products to refresh her face.

But these can’t be all celebrities, right? At lot of them have families, and
have busy lives, especially actors, who have high demand lives. Surely,
not everyone wakes up and drinks lemon water. There are actually some
celebrities who have semi normal mornings, providing us with a sense of
reality and pulling us out of the social media bubble of what is presented
as normal.
For example:

  1. Jennifer Lawrence
    Wakes up late when possible and skips workouts if she’s tired.
    Loves coffee and doesn’t obsess over “healthy” morning drinks.
    Prefers a hearty breakfast (often eggs or something indulgent).
  2. Chrissy Teigen
    Starts her day checking her phone in bed.
    Loves eating breakfast with her kids (pancakes or bacon).
    Works out when she feels like it but doesn’t stress about it.
  3. Rihanna
    Often wakes up late due to a busy schedule.
    First thing: checks her phone and messages.
    Eats whatever she’s craving, from a protein-packed breakfast to a
    sugary treat.
    Works out sporadically, not daily.
  4. Adele
    Not a morning person—loves sleeping in when she can.
    Skips complicated routines, often grabs tea or coffee first.
    If she’s motivated, she’ll work out, but she’s open about not being strict.
  5. Mindy Kaling
    Checks her emails and texts before getting out of bed.
    Loves breakfast food but often eats on the go.
    Works out if time allows, but doesn’t stress about missing a session.
  6. Hailey Bieber
    Wakes up later if she’s not working.
    First thing: scrolls through her phone.
    Skincare is a priority, but sometimes she skips steps.
    Breakfast is either a smoothie or fast food, depending on her mood.
    Overall, it is clear that some celebrities, all of which are highly
    successful, can have normal mornings and be successful, so the
    portrayal of the ideal morning routine we see on social media, is highly
Madeline Street

Nottingham '25

Maddy is a third year history student at the University of Nottingham. Her main areas of interest are world issues, feminism, women's mental health and neurodiversity. In her free time, she loves watching historical dramas and listening to music.