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Nottingham’s Most Haunted

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Nottingham chapter.

How better to bring in Halloween than with a trip to one of the city’s spookiest spots?

The Galleries of Justice

The former jail, police station and courtrooms in the city centre are said to be frequented by the ghosts of those hanged for crimes as small as theft. Reports of shadows, direct responses to questioning and terrifying groans and screams make it a must visit.

Ye Olde Trip to Jerusalem

England’s oldest pub and favourite haunt of crusades on their way to Jerusalem in the 12th century, this watering hole has had more than its fair share of mysterious occurrences. Staff have heard the sound of breaking glass, but when they’ve gone to clear it up, there’s none to be found. Staff today also refuse to clean the dust-laden model ship that hangs from the ceiling; the landlords themselves forbid it, for anyone who ever did reportedly met a mysterious death.

“We were told that a group of tourists had asked to see the cellars and they saw two foot soldiers walk through a wall. This was seen by the whole party, a group of five people.” (Marilyn, the landlady, 1994)

Newstead Abbey

Founded in the 12th century, the monastic house once home to Lord Byron is said to be home to a whole gang of ghosts. It is reportedly haunted by ‘The White Lady,’ a female groundskeeper and her dog, who scream and bark at trespassers.

Wollaton Hall

This spectacular building, situated just a short walk from campus, is said to be haunted by Lady Middleton. Left paralysed after a fall, she now allegedly haunts the mysterious room 19, in which she spent the rest of her life.

Clifton Hall

Businessman Anwar Rashid bought Clifton Hall, the 13th century mansion house and former girl’s school, in 2006. However knocks on the walls, ghosts taking on the form of his children and the discovery of mysterious bloodstains on his baby’s bed drove the family- and helpless investigators- away from the Hall.

The majority of cellars of Lenton

The perfect place to hold a creepy Halloween night? If your student home boasts a cellar, you’ll know full well that you wouldn’t want to be alone down there. Mine even contains shackles. Séance anyone? 

Edited by Caroline Chan




Image Sources:





Cellar image: Author’s own

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Naomi Upton


Naomi is a third year English student at Nottingham University and Co-Editor in Chief of HC Nottingham. Naomi would love a career in journalism or marketing but for now she spends her time beauty blogging, attempting to master the delicate art of Pinterest, being an all-black-outfit aficionado, wasting time on Buzzfeed, going places, taking pictures and staying groovy. 
Harriet Dunlea is Campus Correspondent and Co-Editor in Chief of Her Campus Nottingham. She is a final year English student at the University of Nottingham. Her passion for student journalism derives from her too-nosey-for-her-own-good nature.