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Podcasts and Millennials: A Blossoming Relationship…

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Nottingham chapter.

Since 2016 there has been a 58% increase in the number of us who listen to a podcast each week, making a total of 6.9 million. Recent research behind this statistic has revealed that the booming podcast industry may have millennials to thank for their increasing success. With 42% of podcast listeners falling within the 18-34 age category, this blog article will explore some of the reasons behind their popularity and if they’re worth the hype.

Growing up with things like TV, cinema, and the discovery of YouTube, Snapchat and Instagram, it’s been readily believed and accepted that we are a very visual generation. So why this sudden move towards audio? And why for the younger generation? Radio has never received the same attraction as it did for our parents and grandparents, so why podcasts?

Well, reverting to the stats, over two-thirds of podcasting hours are listened to via a smartphone, and are mainly consumed either working/studying (29%) or driving/travelling (25%).  This shows that podcasts fulfil that key millennial need – what we want, when we want it. Being a generation which is more on the go than ever, means we want our interests on demand, just look at Netflix or YouTube. However, unlike these popular media options, podcasts only require your phone and a set of headphones. Instead of sitting, watching and listening, podcasts rely on your ears alone. They’re hands-free, demanding less attention and available at our fingertips.

This appears a match made in heaven, with the pre-installed Apple Podcast app making it even easier for us to discover the range of podcasts out there. If you’re interested here are my top 5 recommendations to get you started:

  1. Adulting – A must-listen for any 20 something trying to figure out their life in this confusing 21st century world, with relatable and reassuring discussions.
  2. TED Talks Daily – 15-20 minute episodes providing thought-provoking talks on a range of subjects, from Global Goals to AI or the ‘Benefits of Boredom’.
  3. The Receipts Podcast – Debating up-and-current topics and solving people’s dilemmas, three girls offer a brutally honest but incredibly fun girl chat.
  4. That Peter Crouch Podcast – Honest and light-hearted stories on football dressing rooms, transfers, managers, tactics and where to sit on the team bus.
  5. At Home With
 – Lily Pebbles and Anna Newton visit guests in the comfort of their own home, adding a personal touch and interesting insight to their interviews.


Brianna Croughan

Nottingham '19

3rd year student, Studying English at the University of Nottingham.