Time for another candidate! Martin Nguyen is one of the Activities Officer candidates this year and we caught up with him to find out the best bits of his manifesto and how his planning to keep students engaged in second semester.
Course: Philosophy
Year: Third
1. Tell us what the role of Activities Officer entails.
Activities Officer is the one that supports and gives a voice to all the 250+ societies and SRSs that we have at Nottingham. The Officer can help improve and develop how societies are run and the opportunities that can be given to all students. As well as that, this role aids the planning and organising of some of the biggest events of the year, from Welcome to Grad Ball.
2. What are the ‘best bits’ of your manifesto?
My main focus/best bit of my manifesto is the refreshers revamp. I really want to change the way it’s put on and really develop the week into something that is a lot bigger and more celebrated. I think student engagement is so important and, for me, giving them the most opportunities to re-engage with the SU in January is also extremely important.
3. I really like the idea of a personalised calendar app. Why do you think this is an important change to make and how are you planning on implementing this?
I think the app would be such a good idea to improve publicity to, again, allow for more engagement and get people more involved in their societies. Outside of Facebook, which is already very busy, there isn’t much exposure for events put on by the Union or societies. A centralised app that could do this dependent on the interests of students would, in my opinion, really get them more engaged with societies. In terms of implementing, the SU has the technology and tools to create an app. They already have one with the timetabling app that I use myself. An event app really wouldn’t be that big a leap.
4. You focus quite a bit on Refreshers Week. Why do you think the uni struggles to keep students engaged in the second semester?
I think the University loves Welcome, and wants people to feel welcomed so put so much time and effort into it. But once they’re settled in, the University doesn’t really think about them as much, and thinks that they have all the resources so doesn’t pump enough effort into Refreshers. I think putting a focus on this second semester to re-engage students would be an amazing improvement for the SU.
5. What are some of the difficulties do you think you’ll face in implementing your manifesto and how do you plan on addressing this?
I think the main difficulty would be just trying to get the point across of how important it is to get students engaged across all years at all times. I think the SU is fantastic at being co-operative and listening to the student voice so I have full faith that we’ll be able to acheive everything on my manifesto.
We’d like to do a quick fire round just so the readers get to know a little more about you that is not election related!
Ocean or Crisis? Ocean! For sure, Ocean!
Most embarrassing moment? Completely hitting the deck at Crisis trying to shuffle.
Claim to fame or a fun fact? I booked FuseODG at this year’s Welcome finale.
Biggest weakness/indulgence? Saying no.
Do you have a secret party trick? I can turn my feet to face backwards
Biggest inspiration? Dalai Lama
Any final words?
Lets be friends xo
Vote here: http://www.studentleaderelections.co.uk/
Edited by Jenine Tudtud