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carrie bradshaw i live here
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The villainisation of female characters in TV- and how it is a manifested product of ourown insecurities

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Nottingham chapter.

Finding a character slightly insufferable is not an uncommon feeling while watching a show.
Sitting there watching a character embarrass themselves perpetually and questioning why?
Why would they behave in such a way? With almost every show, comes a female character
that receives great amounts of attention for being ant-agonisingly annoying. But why do they
get under our skin so much?
So much so we find ourselves cringing, riddled with second hand embarrassment. I dare to question it is because we actually resonate with these cringe-
worthy, flawed moments, as they so rawly portray our own insecurities and imperfections we don’t want to admit; after all, none of us are perfect.

The epitome of a ‘love to hate’ female lead is sex and the city’s very own Carrie Bradshaw.

Despite being the leading female in the show, Carrie is also often the most criticised. The
majority of the criticism Carrie receives is in direct relation to her arguably pathetic and
never-ending relationship with the notorious ‘Mr Big’. Throughout the entirety of the six
seasons of the show Carrie mercilessly pines after this man who appears to have some
interest in her (just not a lot). Many have pointed out that if the show was filmed from Big’s
perspective, it would be a psychological thriller whereby this woman (Carrie) quite literally
stalks him and appears at every area of his life. Carrie could never seem to leave well enough
alone. Even when Big gives her the ultimate signal he is not interested in her (getting
engaged to another woman), Carrie insists on essentially harassing this woman and becomes
obsessed with her. Alas, Carrie still crawls right back to him, time and time again. He can’t
commit to having her in his life and Carrie cannot commit to letting him go. As stated best by
the endearingly cynical Miranda, whenever Carrie is around Big she becomes this ‘pathetic,
needy insecure victim.’ Although it is easy to sit and judge Carrie’s plain stupidity and lack of
self-respect, it is adjacent to many real experiences of women in the dating world.
In fact, the
world is fully of Mr Big’s, not committal men who can’t be bothered to take on as much
responsibility as a relationship yet give you just enough to keep you wanting more. Fans have
even used Mr Big and Carrie is an analogy for the modern day term ‘situationship’ which can
be defined as a romantic relationship between two people who do not yet consider themselves
a couple but who have more than a friendship. This pretty much embodies the twos
relationship and due to the surge in popularity for the term ‘situationship’ many of you appear
to share this similar dishevelled relationship. So before judging Carrie for her pathetic, rather
irrational tendencies, I think its safe to say we’ve all been a Carrie at one point, or can at least
relate to parts of her.

Gossip Girl’s golden girl ‘Serena Vanderwoodsen’ is one of TV’s most iconic yet criticised
Throughout my viewing of the show, my opinion on Serena was interchangeable.
In early seasons she seemed to be a sweet teenage girl who genuinely wanted to turn her life
around. Yes she was flawed, but her kindness and wish to better herself usually seemed to
trump these flaws. However, as the series progressed and Serena got older this tainted yet
loveable, teenage girl trying to figure herself act got old (much like her). There was never
much development showcased within Serena, she remained this sad, messy teenager
throughout the entire series and her adulthood, she never ‘found herself’ or whatever she was

searching for. I often wondered why Serena infuriated me so much. It could well be down to
her general immaturity, however I now believe it is because she represents all the negative
traits I see in myself.
Her flightiness, perpetual need to be liked, her tendency to seek
attention. These are all traits I and I’m sure many others possess. Perhaps and (hopefully) not
to the same extent as Serena, but these are all traits that we try to suppress. Serena, especially
older Serena represents what we all have the potential to become if we do not acknowledge
and grow from our errors during out teen years. This is perhaps why she is stuck as the same
17 year old girl we are introduced to in season 1. I think Serena is still and will forever be an
important character, while it is enjoyable to love to hate her, there is a lot to learn from her
(mostly what not to do.)

Finally Devi Vishwakumar from Netflix’s ‘Never Have I Ever’ is a female leads who’s
actions clash with the morality of most. Devi acquires the same ‘crazy Devi’ for herself in the
show, and while some of her actions are most definitely ‘crazy’ there is perhaps a justification
behind these actions. Throughout the series Devi navigates her grief after losing her father. It
cannot be argued that what Devi experienced was awfully traumatic and trying to revert to
your normal life after that is extremely difficult and practically impossible. Devi if not
anything is a determined character. And she was determined to make the most out of her
high-school experience, throwing herself at guys, attending parties etc. In one of the earliest
scenes we see of Devi she marches right of the the captain of the swim team and asks him to
take her virginity. While, yes it is objectively crazy, not many of us would have the courage
or perhaps just the plain delusion to do something like that. Whatever it is that fuels Devi, her
unshakeable confidence and ability to put her thoughts into actions is admirable. However, is
there a deeper meaning behind Devi’s impulsivity and compulsive desire for the perfect high
school experience? As I watched the show I began to realise that Devi’s irrational behaviour
was merely a distraction from her grief. Devi being ‘crazy’ is what makes her so relatable.
Many of us resort to using superficial desires as a way of distracting us from facing
Yes Devi may be a cringe-worthy, sometimes unwatchable character, underneath it
all she is a vulnerable teenage girl experiencing the most pivotal years of her life after just
having lost her father. Devi’s character is above all inspiring and a hopeful reminder that
there is still a vibrant life to live even after such a traumatic event.

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Priya Karadia

Nottingham '26

Priya Karadia is a writer for the Nottingham Her Campus newspaper. She writes about female centred issues, film and TV, music, and pop culture. She writes a range of pieces varying from silly, fun puff pieces to serious discussions about global issues. She is a second-year student, studying international media and communications, giving her the ability to comment on the media as a consumer but also as an academic. She has written previously for her school newspaper which likely only year 7’s read but nevertheless she remains eager to share her writing to whoever it may interest. In her spare time she enjoys spending quality time her friends, reading, painting and walking her dog!!!