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Top 3 Newly Released Christmas Albums

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Nottingham chapter.

Let’s be honest, around this time of year it’s pretty much a given that this blog be Christmas themed. So I have taken it upon myself to listen to the newly released Christmas albums to offer you a few alternatives for when even Michael Bublé’s Christmas songs wear a bit thin… yes, even this is possible.

First up is Leona Lewis, with Christmas, With Love. I have to admit that when I heard she had done a Christmas album I thought “Nooooo Leona what are you doing! Don’t sell yourself out!” but, X Factor performance aside (I could write a whole other blog about how cringey that whole thing was), it is a very good 60s-esque album and not at all just a novelty. She has on it a mix of classics and original songs and her soulful voice suits them really well. “One More Sleep” (the song she performed on the aforementioned X Factor) is a great Christmas tune, complete with background chimes and bells. Her covers of “Winter Wonderland”, “White Christmas“ and “I Wish It Could Be Christmas Everyday” are really good; keeping the brass sections, bells and backing singers makes it all feel very indulgent and OTT – just like Christmas should be!

Now it is time for a slight change in tone as I review Richard and Adam’s originally named The Christmas Album. For those of you wondering who on earth I’m talking about, they are those two Welsh Opera singers from Britain’s Got Talent. Remember? Okay good. Well it goes without saying that this is a slightly different type of Christmas album to the previous ones, as it is very much a traditional, classical collection. I have to say though, that you should not knock it until you have tried it. I found it a really nice album to have on in the background while doing uni work to remind you that it is in fact Christmas time even if your work load doesn’t seem to be making you feel too festive… It’s just a nice, simple album that is a lot less stressful than some out there for when you just want to relax. I think I may have this on in the background while I’m wrapping my presents, mulled wine in hand.

Finally, some of you may already know that Mary J Blige has done a Christmas album, as she performed one of the songs “Do You Hear What I Hear?” with Jessie J on the X Factor a few weeks ago. Before I go on to review the songs on the album, Mary definitely wins the award for best album name: A Mary Christmas. Genius. Anyway, with regards to the songs, there couldn’t be more of a mix. Some are traditional like Little “Drummer Boy”, some are classics like “Chestnuts Roasting”, some are new like her duet with Jessie J and there are even some foreign ones like “Petit Papa Noel” and “Noche de Paz”, so there is something for all tastes. She hasn’t only duetted with Jessie J on the album either – she sings with Marc Antony and even BARBRA STREISAND! That has to be worth a listen in itself.

So I hope I’ve offered you some alternatives for when you fancy a change of music, but it must of course still be Christmas themed – because Christmas is just great.

Merry Christmas everyone and have a Happy New Year!


Edited by Luisa Parnell

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Sam is a Third Year at the University of Nottingham, England and Campus Correspondent for HC Nottingham. She is studying English and would love a career in journalism or marketing (to name two very broad industries). But for now, her favourite pastimes include nightclubs, ebay, cooking, reading, hunting down new music, watching thought-provoking films, chatting, and attempting to find a sport/workout regime that she enjoys!