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Will these spots ever go?: Advice for struggling with your skin in your late teens and early 20s 

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Nottingham chapter.

 If you think troublesome skin is just limited to those awkward teen years, then think again! At school, when everyone started to begin puberty and get those pesky spots, I was hardly affected by them – I even have a distinct memory of sitting in my form class and my friend telling me that I had the best skin in the friendship group. Then almost out of nowhere, just when I thought I was safe, acne hit me like a truck. Never had my confidence and self-esteem been so low. I could hardly look at myself in the mirror, and it seemed that everywhere I turned, no one else was struggling. No matter what new cleanser I was recommended or antibiotic cream I was prescribed, the spots would not budge. Eventually, I decided to go on Accutane and have been pretty much spot-free for the last four years, but since coming to university my eyes have been opened to just how many other people struggle with their skin.

People think that acne is just a rite of passage from puberty to adulthood, most teens thinking ‘oh, by the time I’m twenty, surely I won’t get them anymore’, but the reality is so different. Becoming an adult and dealing with all the changes it includes, whether it be starting classes, getting a job, and even just leaving home, is extremely stressful and of course will impact your body in all kinds of ways. It is also so important to remember to look after yourself, as often what we put inside it shows on the outside, ie. maybe stick to one bottle of wine a week, not three (I know it’s hard!).

It’s easy to lose perspective when you have a negative relationship with your skin, but always remember that you are perfect as you are, and getting spots is a normal thing for the human body. Most people wouldn’t think twice about your skin – they’re probably more concerned about what you’re thinking about them! It’s definitely difficult to not let your skin consume your thoughts, especially when there’s so much ‘advice’ out there, making you think that everything you’re doing is wrong. Something which I found was that there was a huge emphasis on only using organic products or all natural ingredients, with people creating such a negative image surrounding medical solutions.

From my own experience and trying all of these natural remedies and different ingredients, the only thing that worked in the end was seeing a dermatologist and going on medication. Despite all the YouTube videos telling me that medication was bad and wouldn’t do anything, I have no shame in the fact that this was the only thing that cleared my acne instead of some natural product or weird diet. It goes to show that everyone is different: what works for others won’t necessarily work for you, and that it’s OK! With all this unsolicited advice, it’s so easy to feel overwhelmed and lost, and sometimes it’s easiest to take a step back and think about what’s best for you and your skin.

As someone who struggled, and still does with the occasional hormonal breakout, I’m telling you that everything will get better, and you are not alone. Your body is clever and will sort itself out, and there are always solutions available, you just have to figure out what works for you, so don’t lose faith!

Isabella Mallaby

Nottingham '25

Isabella (Bella) Mallaby is a writer for the Nottingham Her Campus Chapter. She writes about health and wellness, culture, history, and university life, bringing in her own experiences as a student. She is currently studying History in her third year at the University of Nottingham, and in her spare time enjoys running, rowing, walking, and spending time with her friends, even if it is simply sitting in bed watching something together. She also likes making her own jewellery and upholstering clothing she finds in the charity shops.