Everyone who enters the scary doors of college walk in with the bright light of optimism and uncertainty. Questions come about, questions that plague everyone, I’m sure, like: Who will I meet? Am I going to like my major? Am I going to make strong connections?
Of course, more questions come about but for those who are nearing the end of their collegiate journey the biggest question comes up: What will life be like after college?
Life is a slippery slope of uncertainties and no one can truly predict how life will turn out after you walk across that stage and receive your hard earned degree. One thing that is certain, though, Sallie Mae wants her money.
Nevertheless, we all face that fear. Besides the impending doom of student loans, I too wonder what will happen after college. While no one can tell the future, certainly not me, I can do my best to give tips on things I’ve begun to do to prepare for life after college.
1. Be Realistic!
As harsh as that sounds, I have come to the conclusion that realism will combat any disappointments that I face. I suggest it to anyone who is as in their head as I am. While the fantasy of my future is amazing, I know being stuck with a pair of rose-colored glasses won’t help me when I’m in the real world.
2. Consider Your Living Options!
While getting a job right after graduating and moving to your desired city sounds dope, everything doesn’t always fall into place that easily. If you are lucky enough to have locked down an amazing opportunity, cool, but if you haven’t, that’s fine! No one wants to move back in with their parents but think about it — you save money while getting the chance to live rent free (if your folks are generous) while you pursue your endeavors in getting a job. Even if you don’t want to live with your parents, try to do as much research before you dish out cash living on your own.
3. Stop Worrying About Everyone Else.
Social media and the influx of the luxurious lifestyle can make any recent grad feel like they aren’t doing enough. It is best to decompress and realize you are enough and your time is coming!
4. Don’t Be Afraid.
Life is pretty scary. It has major ups and extremely major lows but it’s what makes it all worthwhile. Being pushed out into the world after living in a community of students is intimidating but it’s apart of the process and in order to succeed we have to trust the process.
5. Things Won’t Take Off As Fast, and That’s Okay.
Like I mentioned before in tip #4, life is scary and thinking about it can make even the most certain of graduates uneasy. For me, I have already pictured how I want my life to go but then I came back to reality and had to be okay with the fact that I won’t end up where I want to right after graduation. As the days go by, I have become okay with that. It’s okay not to be a rich and successful graduate only after a week of graduation has passed. The social media rhetoric that has been pushed in our faces has made us believe otherwise. I’m here to reiterate that it is okay!
Take things slow, enjoy your journey and the rest will fall into place.