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Avoiding A Semester Slump: 5 Ways to Stay Motivated At the End of the Semester

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at NSU chapter.

Everyone knows that the month after spring break is a total drag. It is the final stretch to the end of the semester and with the thought of summer just around the corner, more than some of us may get into what I like to call “The end of semester slump”. We all know with the end in reach it can be very easy to become unmotivated. But, luckily I have five essential ways to make sure you end your semester strong and with a bang.


Get a Good Night’s Rest — It has been proven time and time again that the key to making everyday successful is making sure you’re fully recharged. According to researchers, young adults between the ages of 18 to 25 need about seven to nine hours of sleep each day. So yes, that means less time binge-watching Netflix and more time counting sheep.


Make a Schedule and Stick to It — Sitting down and planning out your duties for the week can bring a little more ease to your daily routine. But, making sure you stick to that schedule is a contributing factor. Try writing out everything you have to do each day on a whiteboard calendar. That way it’s the first thing you see when you wake up, recharged for the day.


Switch Up Your Study Habits — I know for a fact that studying can be the cringiest thing to do towards the end of the semester; you’ve been doing it all semester. Some ways you can make studying a little less of a burden is changing up the way you study. Locking yourself in a room is not always the best option for the most crucial time of the year. Try studying with friends, or even maybe make a game with your peeps.


Reward Yourself — Knowing there is a reward at the end of the journey is more than a good reason to keep pushing on. Try setting one for yourself. No matter if it’s a shopping spree at your favorite store or something sweet that’s good to eat. Just try not to indulge too much.


Remember Why You Started — Personally, this is my favorite technique of all. Remembering why you even started this journey or even started going to school is, in my opinion, the best motivation anyone can have. Whether it’s graduating, someone who inspired you, or just simply what you wanna do for your life. Any reason you can think of can motivate anyone to keep moving forward.

I know it can be super hard to focus when summer is coming and the temperature is rising. But, all your gal pals at HerCampus are here to cheer you on. So finish strong. You got this sis!


Skyler is a bubbly and vibrant soul She is a Mass Communications student at the illustrious Norfolk State University She enjoys shopping and spending time with her friends and family She dreams of one day moving to New York City and writing for a big time magazine