This week’s Campus Cutie is Elita Rushin! She is a 20-year-old, junior at Norfolk State University. Elita is single and ready to mingle, but before you pull up, you have to be willing to adhere to her busy schedule. Elita is a part of Cheer Phi on NSU’s Cheerleading Team, the SGA Executive Administrator, Vice President of Student Ambassadors, a member of the League of Extraordinary Women, Campus Co-Lead of Impressions of Beauty, and THE Miss Black and Gold 2019-2020.
HCNSU: What’s your major and what do you look forward to doing after graduation?
Elita: I am a Psychology major. After graduation, I’d like to attend grad school. I’m not sure where yet, but he overall goal is to become a Family Psychologist
HCNSU: Out of all the organizations you’re involved in, do you think you have a favorite?
Elita: No, it’s little things I love about each organization that I’m in. There are little aspects that make me excited about my day and it’s always something new to experience. I connect with them all in different ways and I can’t really do something if I don’t feel a connection with it.
HCNSU: How did you feel when you won the Epsilon Pi pageant?
Elita: I was really excited. It was my First Miss Pageant I’ve done. I did pageants as a kid but it wasn’t like this. It was definitely a confidence booster because I didn’t think I’d do well but I won in a lot of categories. I was mostly just excited about the new platforms I’d get to use to make a difference though.
HCNSU: How long have you been cheering?
Elita: I’ve been cheering since I was like 5 so, about 15 years now.
HCNSU: How would you describe your love life at the moment?
Elita: A joke lol
HCNSU: What’s a huge deal-breaker for you in a partner?
Elita: Loud and obnoxious and definitely someone who’s not focused
HCNSU: What’s the most memorable moment of your college experience so far?
Elita: Between winning Ms. Black and Gold and becoming Cheer Phi
HCNSU: If you were trapped on an island for 3 months and you could only eat one food your entire time there what would it be?
Elita: Shrimp Lo Mein, I really like that
Elita is a busy woman with many hats (well, crowns for that matter) to wear. We know Elita will continue to succeed in all her endeavors and we can’t wait to watch her grow even more. You go girl! Check her out on Instagram @elitaaa.j and Twitter @elitaaa_j