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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at NSU chapter.

Meet Trezure Brevon Coles. She is a Theater major from Newport News, VA with big dreams of making it on the big screen. HerCampusNSU had the wonderful opportunity of interviewing Trezure, and finding out more about her. She is also single, but has extremely high standards so you better come correct when shooting your shot at her. 


HerCampusNSU: Are you single?

Trezure: Yes.

HerCampusNSU:  What is your major and what do you plan on doing with that?

I am a Theatre major. With that I want to go to grad school, and I want to experience the business professionally, travel, especially with dance. Hopefully, I will make it to Broadway, be a backup dancer, become a teacher and use the brand to help my home town of Newport News, VA, and give back to my people. We don’t have  a lot of afterschool activities, because it is unheard of with the arts. Things we don’t have, but we should have, especially with the youth.

HerCampusNsu: What are your hobbies, likes, and dislikes?

Trezure: My hobbies are watching mukbangs on youtube, meditation.

Dislikes: I hate when people smack their food. It kills my spirit. I dislike feet. Don’t flick your feet at me and don’t put your feet on me. Liars I hate liars, because you can be honest with me and i’m a very over understanding person. Disrespectful men, especially ones that can’t hold the door. People that don’t say thank you when I hold the door open.

HerCampusNSU: What is your outlook on love?


Trezure :Love is powerful, but in the wrong hands that power can be very dangerous. Love is a great thing, but people abuse it for the wrong thing, wrong wants, the wrong kindness. People take advantage of it, but I will never stop showing love and loving love. Love is happiness.

HerCampusNSU: What is it that you love most about the opposite sex?

Trezure: I love their skin, eyebrows, their lashes it is so naturally beautiful and glowy, especially a beautiful black man, but why do we deserve you? There’s so many natural beautiful things about the black man.

HerCampusNSU: What qualities do you look for in a future partner?

Trezure: I look for affection, respect, love, honesty, vulnerability, a plan, someone who is very educated in all aspects as a young black man very aware in the odds going against him. Someone ambitious, so we can push each other, and be the people we always dreamed of being, and be the inspiration for the next generation. When we have a plan we can stick together.

HerCampusNSU: Are there any other avenues you are exploring outside of your major? Media? Modeling?

Trezure: I haven’t been, but i would like to get into the nail tech industry. I love a fierce nail. As a woman expressing yourself with your nails is everything . I would love to expand my artistry into other platforms.

HerCampusNSU: What are your favorite qualities about yourself?

Trezure: I am hard working, if i’m dedicated it’s going to happen I am a very passionate person. I love/ hate that i’m a forgiving person. I don’t hold grudges, because it makes things a lot easier to move on and be happy. I am smart and I will always say that. My nurturing qualities, my positive personality. All of the things I like about myself have been positive for me, but negative in terms of people abusing it. I attract people that need my genuine positivity


HerCampusNSU: How did you get into dancing?

Trezure: My mom found a little house with an open downstairs called American Ballet. I was four years old. I was always dancing around the house and I wanted to move. She asked me if I ever thought about dancing. There were 8 of us. That’s why that is something I would like to bring to my community. After that, I went to Academy of Dance. Then when I was 16, I wanted to do competitions instead of recitals. I got on the hip hop team called Hott Topix. I stayed with them until I was 18 and then I went off to school. Later, I went to Beauty for ashes: School of contemporary dance. I’ve danced for most of my life.

Sounds like Trezure is a true down to Mars girl with big dreams and a crafted life plan to match. We love an ambitious individual. Make sure you all follow Trezure on social media to find out more about her. We’re rroting for you sis!

IG: @worldsgreatest_trezure


Junior political science major. Poet. Social Justice Warrior. Womanist. Health enthusiast