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Get to know our team Snack Edition! – Senior Editor, Jaila

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at NSU chapter.

Here is a list of our Senior Editor, Jaila’s favorite go-to snacks:


What is your “Go to Breakfast meal”: 

If I’m in a rush I’ll go for something quick like I’ve been super into Lucky Charms and oat milk for breakfast lately or either I really like to put Pillsbury Cinnabon rolls in the waffle maker and then mix the icing that comes with it with powdered sugar and vanilla extract. YUM! But any other day I’ll just eat scrambled eggs with peppers, onions, and cheese with chopped kielbasa sausage.

What is your favorite late-night snack? Man, it honestly depends on the night lol. But probably leftovers of whatever I ate today.

What is your favorite drink? 

I mostly drink lots of water, but I am like OBSESSED with the Chick fila Mango Passion Tea Lemonade, I buy one at least once a week

What food gives you the ick?

If I were given the option between eating pancakes or waffles and dying, I would die. I also hate blueberries so you can imagine my feelings towards blueberry pancakes lol

What is your favorite weird combo food?

I don’t really think it’s THAT weird but, I love dipping fries in milkshakes

What’s your number one food craving at that time of the month?

It’s super cliche but, chocolate. Especially chocolate ice cream. I also always want a burger, sushi, and sweet tea. Not together of course cause that’s gross 

Lastly, if you could eat one thing for the rest of your life what would it be?

Chipotle, without a doubt. I could eat Chipotle like, every day. I love Chipotle

That is all for Jaila! Be on the lookout next week for the next E-board member!

Jaila is a Sophmore Mass Communication major at Norfolk State University. She was born and raised in Richmond, Virginia. She loves makeup, dancing, and writing. 
I am a Mass Communications General Broadcasting major at Norfolk State University. My goal is to become a media influencer and to inspire many in my position.