Red is a beautiful color associated with Christmas and the holidays. In America the red on the flag symbolizes hardiness and velour; with questionable leadership in the white house, this may cause one to stop and reevaluate the true message one is sending out with a room full of red Christmas trees. The white house wanted to celebrate both Christmas and patriotism at the same time, as an announcement from the first lady’s office says, “This year’s theme, ‘American Treasures’ honors the unique heritage of America,” but under the current leadership it seems patriotism has taken on a different face and that face white supremacy.
The White House wants to celebrate this country’s heritage, but America’s heritage was immoral. For centuries this country has had a deep hatred for things and people that stand against white supremacy. For centuries they have shown their hatred by restraining the minority community; they have shown their hatred through the violence forced onto the minority by the majority and even then, nothing was done about it. It feels as if history wants to repeat itself just in a different form. As stated by The Washington Post, “Reported hate crimes with racial or ethnic bias jumped the day after President Trump won the 2016 election, from 10 to 27, according to an analysis of FBI hate crime statistics by The Washington Post”. Since Trump has been in office hate crimes have risen; people feel extremely comfortable with showing their hatred for a different race. This is because the person leading America does nothing to show that the hatred spreading across the country is wrong; maybe he himself sees nothing wrong with the hate minority receive and the little justice they get when wronged by the majority.
This year’s White House Christmas decorations display a great deal of red throughout, only after Democrats have won one of the most important elections of this time. The need the White House felt to honor patriotism comes only after President Trump has ordered for tear gas to be released at the Mexican border where women and children were present. This tear gas spread for miles, so it not only affected the people by the border but others as well. This is all to say that, a man with so little morals as to release tear gas on women and children, you must question what he represents and the messages he sends out to America through his platform as President. It is quite clear that his followers believe him to care little to nothing about women and minorities. There are plenty of messages that President Trump has sent out before and during his time in the White House and none have been very pleasant. It leaves a lot of people to wonder, “what is the message behind a red Christmas at the White House”. Â