Aziz Ansari gets it. He gets the texting…*it’s NOT just a quick, fleeting method of communication,* it can be make or break in relationships these days! He gets the commitment issues and the melancholy relationship woes. All the stuff that bogs our generation down in the ~love~ department is not trite or trivial, it’s just how millennials operate in the world of smartphones, dating apps and weird bar scene hookups. Ansari, who graduated from NYU (represent!) has been making quite the mark in mainstream popular culture as of recent. Modern Romance debuted on the scene in the summer, and his critically acclaimed Netflix show “Master of None,” has lead to, I’m assuming I can generalize here, some serious binge-watching amongst the 18-30 year old bracket.
Modern Romance takes a fresh approach to unpacking the world of dating, relationships, and hookups, all the while mixing personal, hilarious anecdotes with some serious data and graphs (don’t be intimidated, you can do this!) This book is extraordinarily relatable and a potential relic describing some of the most muddled facets of our generation. Just imagine handing this book to your grandkids when they ask about love and other sage advice, and imagine them reading about Tinder. (Good luck, kids!) Ansari’s work is smart, insightful and just plain funny. He’s our millennial superhero for certain.