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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at NYU chapter.

February went out like a breeze and not even a leap day could slow it down. March is finally here in 2020 and it also happens to be an important month for many of us. March is known as Women’s History month where we honor the many women that made an impact on our lives. Also March 8th is International Women’s Day, an event that the whole world celebrates. During this month we celebrate the lives and stories of many women that transformed our society. These women empowered people around them and fought for what they believed in. Their stories have inspired many future trailblazers along with teaching them important lessons. What’s a better way to feel empowered and get some inspiration than listening to some really cool feminist podcasts?

you are what you listen to


  • Women at Work 

This is a podcast for career-oriented women as it discusses the hardships they face when they are at work. While gender discrimination has decreased substantially in the past 100 years, it still exists and is more than noticeable. From combating significant issues like the wage gap as well as dealing with day-to-day challenges with being a working woman, this podcast covers it all with the very talented Harvard Business Review editors, Amy Bernstein, Amy Gallo, and Nicole Torres. 


  • Women Who Travel

Do you like traveling? Then this podcast is a must for you! It lists all the possibilities that are brought about by traveling and how to use them for the best. There are accounts of several women that have experience of travelling. There are even those who have visited every country in the world and how they made it possible. For the women who travel solo, this is the ultimate podcast to prep yourself for the countless adventures awaiting you. 


  • Drunk Women Solving Crime

A fun twist on normal crime-solving, this podcast is hosted by women who are drunk and use their heightened skill of blabbering to their advantage. It is a treat for the true-crime and comedy-lovers alike. 


  • Inspiring Women Weekly 

If you do not have the time to listen to the other podcasts on the list and have to choose one of these, then you must choose this one. It is a light-hearted inspirational podcast focused on providing tips to deal with everyday stress in life. The podcast also gives advice focused on lifting yourself up at times when no one believes in you. 


  • Womenology

This is an excellent podcast for dating advice, wellness tips, and pop-culture news by two feminist hosts. It is truly an all-in-one and deals with the most trivial questions. This podcast can give you the answer you need rather than the disappointing generic answers from the internet. 


These podcasts are different, inspiring and great to listen to during your free time. Anytime you need a break or something to keep you occupied, grab your headphones and check out one of these podcasts.


Palak is a sophomore at NYU majoring in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering. She currently serves as the Social Media Director for the NYU Chapter and has previously been a staff writer for the campus team. Have a question for her? Email @pj935@nyu.edu !
Senior at NYU studying English and Journalism. Big fan of conspiracy theories, superheroes, and good coffee.