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Study Abroad Diaries: Berlin Guide

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at NYU chapter.


I loved Berlin, I’m just not quite sure it loved me back.
I thought I understood the city at first—it initially seemed like a strange combination of the grunge of Venice Beach, the streets of New York, and the Europe-ness of Europe. Over the past four days, I learned that Berlin really is just a city all its own. A city with its own rules, its own dress code, its own stride. Despite the excellent schnitzels and crazy cheap beer, I was happy to return to Paris where I know the Do’s and Don’ts of city life. I don’t know when the next time I’ll be back in Berlin is, so here is a list of what I learned for all you travelers. Prepare yourselves.
DO remember to bring your combat boots. The only way to get into clubs here is to leave those perfect little black heels you swooped up during the Soldes in Paris.
DO get an espresso every hour on the hour.
DON’T ask the taxi driver where to go on Sunday night and expect him to take you anywhere but a five-story nightclub, decorated with palm trees, and filled with dub-step dancing Guido’s. Oh, and when you get there, DON’T let your friend try and leave with a sweaty man named Sven.
DON’T be afraid to make DIY cocktail at a bar. I highly recommend a Club Mate with a shot of tequila, squeeze of orange, and pinch of cinnamon.
DO partake in the mosh pit at the punk rock club playing American Ska music.
DO leave some extra tip money at the two euro unlimited wine bar.
DON’T accidentally try and go to a leather fetish party on Easter Sunday.
DON’T sleep.
DO wake up you’re entire hostel every morning at 5 a.m. when you get home.
DON’T try and get the ice cream from the hostel fridge by yourself—just ask the receptionist, it’ll save you a broken nail.
And most definitely,
DO go to Berlin.
Originally from a small beach town in Los Angeles, California, Sophie is now a student at New York University, Gallatin School of Individualized Study. This is her first experience blogging, and if exciting and interesting blogging means writing about your travels around the world, then it’s a lifestyle she can get used to. xx Follow Sophie, Tumblr: www.thefauxmad.tumblr.com Twitter: @sophieeanna Instagram: sophieeanna
Stephanie is in the class of 2014 at New York University studying Journalism and Dramatic Writing. She is currently a production intern at NBC News, after previously interning at ABC News. In addition to being the Campus Correspondent for Her Campus NYU, she is also an entertainment and lifestyle blogger for Seventeen Magazine and a contributing writer for USA TODAY and The Huffington Post, as well as a member of the MTV Insights team. Stephanie loves Broadway and performing in musical theatre, as well as shopping, singing, and playing the piano. Follow her NYC adventures on Twitter at @StephanieJBeach.