Something that we will all have to deal with at some point in our lives is how to navigate and cope with situations and outcomes that we did not anticipate. We have to understand the role we play in these situations, as well as the lack of control we often have. This is especially true about the systems and policies we live under. It is as important to recognize what you can’t control as what you can.
I think it’s fair to say that we’ve all had moments in our lives where we’ve felt powerless. Whether it has to do with national political decisions or decisions made more locally that have impacted your life, it is a difficult thing to cope with either way. On a large scale, it can feel particularly overwhelming, and we may start to question whether our participation even matters. I am here to remind you that it does. If we only ever gauge change based on large-scale decisions and the actions of people in power, there will always be reasons to be disappointed. We cannot control every outcome, but we can learn from each of them. Here are some ways you can become a more active member in your community to be the change you want to see:
Reflecting on Your Values
The first thing to do in situations where you feel powerless or hopeless is to reflect and understand why you feel that way. You may want to look back on the events that have occurred and see how they are aligned or misaligned with what you value. You might want to think deeper about what your values are and understand why the outcome impacted you the way it did. Once you understand what kind of values your emotions stem from, you open the door for opportunity. You give yourself the power to go from hopelessness to purpose-driven action.
By identifying your values, you make it possible to reflect them in your own community. Remembering, of course, that we are human beings, and it is unlikely that we will ever all agree on any one thing, but that does not stop you from being an advocate for the things that you think are important. There is joy and fulfillment in knowing that we can make a difference in real people’s lives, and not just be confined to hearing about all the bad things happening on the news. Our greatest power is in educating ourselves on how to be the change we want to see in the world, no matter how small.
Being Informed: Issues, Politics, Representatives
It is important, as an active member of society, to be informed on the issues that are important to you, as well as to educate yourself on issues that you might not be aware of. This might mean looking in places you hadn’t thought to look before, even if you’re unsure of whether or not it pertains to you. Informing yourself is an ongoing process, and requires a certain open-mindedness, as well as a willingness to dig deeper.
It is also helpful to be aware of the people who represent you, locally and federally. has a resource to find out who your elected officials are on the federal, state, and local levels. Knowing who these people are, and where you might agree or disagree with them, may help you in knowing how or when to use your voice on the topics you are passionate about. These are the people who are meant to listen to you when you have something to say, so say something!
Always Vote
We all know when the presidential election happens, but there are other opportunities to vote for your local and state representatives, as well as other occasional votes. City websites will often have dates for upcoming elections. Virginia Department of Elections also has a site for upcoming elections. Once you know what’s being voted on, do some more research to find out where you stand so that you can make an informed decision. It might seem small, but by casting your vote in those smaller decisions, you are helping to shape the more immediate community that you live in.
Attend City Council Meetings or Watch Online
I remember back in middle school when my civics teacher assigned us a project to go to a city council meeting and interview one of the people on the city council. I did not want to go, and I didn’t fully understand why it even mattered. Whether you have an experience like that or not, these are the meetings where real issues in your community are being discussed. By attending or listening to them, you might find things that you really care about along with ways you might be able to help or drive action in projects already happening.
This is where you can get creative. Whether it’s by applying for a more official volunteer position, like some of the ones you can find on Volunteer Match, or just by offering a helping hand to some neighbors, this is where you start to find ways to contribute to your community.
It is through action that you will find change. If you care about the environment, attend a beach cleanup. If you care about community engagement, attend or organize a local club. No matter what you do, this is where your values materialize into action. Your contribution to your community will lead to feelings of purpose and fulfillment, as well as a greater sense of connection to the people in it.
Learn About Your Community
Speaking of the people in your community, one of the best things you can do is get to know it better. Some ways to do this include shopping locally, going to farmers markets, attending library or local events, going to parks or outdoor attractions, and even just talking to your neighbors. All of these things contribute to your understanding of your community and will lead you to places you never would’ve thought you’d end up. Maybe you’ll meet someone at the farmers market who hosts a book club. Maybe you’ll find out about a new small business that you could support from a neighbor. Sometimes the greatest gift we can give or receive is a real conversation with someone in our community. It is so important to see what is happening in real time, so that you can see the real impact you can make.
As we continue to hear all kinds of stories on the news, either hopeful or harrowing, there is a certain kind of peace to be found in taking change into your own hands. Realize how big of an impact your actions can have, even if it’s only on one person. It is the accumulation of good people standing up for themselves and others that creates the kind, compassionate world that we strive to live in. Always remember that you have more power than you think. If we can all come together to spread positivity and uplift others in our own communities, little by little, we make the world a better place. All we have to do is start.