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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at ODU chapter.

To all the young girls, aspiring writers, journalists or any woman planning to make a big impact on our world, 

I am very blessed to be working again with the HerCampus chapter at Old Dominion University. HerCampus was the first collegiate publication that I read when I was college searching in high school. When I needed advice, personal experiences from other women or something entertaining for me to read, HerCampus was my go-to. When ODU launched its chapter back in 2017, I was overjoyed. It was a dream come true, a HerCampus chapter is starting at the college that has been my home for the past four years. I was just a Biology major, aspiring to be a dietician or a food scientist. Because being a part of this publication, my college career took a full 180 and I decided to become a journalist. 

“The Senior Carta” comes from the word, ‘carta,’ which in Spanish and Portuguese means ‘letter.’ I will be writing letters, journal entries and articles for you all to read and hopefully consider. I may feature stories such as campus news, interviewing amazing individuals, giving my take and advice on guiding yourself throughout college or any fun articles that may brighten up your day. 

What is more important to me as Senior Editor is for you to know that college will be some of the best four years of your life. Despite COVID-19–and no matter what–take risks, learn from your mistakes and have fun being young. Always be aware of your surroundings, as well as never be afraid of asking for help. HerCampusODU is full of beautiful and empowered women who are willing to help others, whether it’d be by writing or speaking openly to you. 

I can’t wait to share with everyone one of you what I have learned and what I have found along my journey.

Thank you, 

Paula JP

Hi!  I'm Paula and I'm the Senior Columnist of HerCampus at Old Dominion University! I'm majoring in English with a Concentration in Journalism minoring in Health and Wellness. I aspire to be a food and culture, politics, or a global affairs reporter for big newspapers such as the NYTimes, Washington Post, or the Los Angeles Times. While I'm not writing fun articles for this chapter, I love cooking various Asian dishes and healthy foods, grocery shopping at Whole Foods or the Fresh Market, and studying and speaking Spanish. Fun Fact: I am a local model around Norfolk and Richmond! Follow me!
Hi there! I'm Maura Olson the Editor-in-Chief of Her Campus at ODU. I am majoring in Journalism and minoring in Communications. I love writing, photography and participating in my extracurriculars.