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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at ODU chapter.

Piling in the corner are mounds of clothing, draped from the ceiling are even more and two 40-pound buckets seal the deal to grasp the attention of passersby. The new and shocking sustainability display in Old Dominion University Libraries is a must–see. The display is located adjacent to the Student Success Center for viewing and interactions.  The exhibit was designed and directed by the students and staff of the ODU Fashion Merchandising Program, specifically students in SEPS 495: Sustainability in the Fashion Industry. 

This display is intended to inform students of the misfortune of fashion textile waste. One of the most surprising statistics in this display is the fact that each year we all average out to contributing 80 pounds of textile waste. This is demonstrated by the aforementioned pair of 40-pound buckets that prompt you to, “feel the weight of the waste.”  The SEPS 495 course is new and exclusive to the Fall 2022 semester. Students are dissecting the environmental, social and economical ways to be sustainable. Professor Joy Kelly successfully created this course and has already extended the class to the community with this display as the first step. Her students are given full creative feedback on their community events and look forward to making their mark even bigger. 

The next demonstration by Professor Kelly and her students can be expected at this weekend’s Mars Fest from Friday, Oct. 14 to Sunday, Oct. 16.  Stop by to meet the creators and learn more about the essential topic of sustainability in the fashion industry.

Zoie is a Senior in Fashion Merchandising. She has discovered that her purpose in fashion takes place in the visual, sustainable, and marketing factors of the industry. If you know Zoie, then you know you can find her making vision boards, eating local, and always playing dress-up.