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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oglethorpe chapter.

This semester, I think I’ve unlocked the ultimate level of college Girl Boss. I was honestly surprised at my level of patience and drive this semester. Especially because in years prior, I never felt like I was at my fullest potential or that my life could be a million times better. But this year has been a year of change in a great way. I’ve learned to pour back into myself and be the best version of myself that I can be right now. 

You might not feel like your doing your best or you might be at a point where you want to change. So, I’m here to help you on that journey. So, you do really want to be a Girl Boss?

Here are a few tips that I’ll give you to assist you in your journey to be the best version of yourself that you can be:

  • Assess yourself

Coming into 2021 was such a stressful time for me. I had just ended a bad relationship and I hadn’t done my best academically and emotionally. I was at an all-time low. Coincidentally, I had looked at a year-in-review forecast for my astrological sign and the video said that this was a year to build. So, I challenged myself to use 2021 as a year to rebuild myself up. I did a lot of reassessing of myself and all of the parts that made me. 

I HIGHLY recommend doing this before you embark on this Girl Boss adventure. You need to know where you’re starting in order to know where you need to do. Take a moment to assess these things.

  • Your physical being (Do you feel like you’re taking care of your physical body? Are you eating well? What clothes make you feel the most confident? Do you need to stop eating dairy because of your lactose intolerance?)
  • Your mental well-being (What is motivating you to do the things you want to do? What exactly are your goals? How do you think you can become the main character of your story?)
  • Your emotional well-being (Are you okay? How do you feel about yourself? What are your insecurities and why? Do you need to talk about a certain event that really hurt you?)
  • Your social well-being (Are the people that you’re surrounding yourself really good for you? Why are you holding on to that toxic friend?)

Doing an initial assessment can help you to understand where you’re at and what your quality of life is like. Don’t forget to assess in between, when needed, and after you accomplish or fail something. It does take a lot of mental energy to do this but once you learn how to do this, you will become even more powerful than you ever thought. 

  • Schedule everything (and make time to prepare for anything)

The next step is to plan. Plan everything. I’m super OD about my planning because I have ADHD so I plan extra in order to keep myself on top of everything. I have a bullet journal, I use my Google calendar and also my reminders on my phone to keep track of everything. But I do emphasize planning. In order to be successful at anything, you must plan. How can you think you’ll accomplish something and not take the time to plan and prepare for it? There’s no way you can do that. Planning is your way of preparing to execute any goal of yours.  So, plan and plan well.

  • Try your hardest to be ahead of the curve

This one is hard sometimes, but once you get into the rhythm with it, it’ll become second nature. I always do this thing whenever I have an assignment, my due date is always going to be the day before. If I have an essay due on Friday at 11:59 pm, on Jasmine’s calendar, it’s due on Thursday at 11:59 pm. It’s another way that I hold myself accountable and keep track of my work. 

  • Talk to someone (or go to therapy)

I’ve always done my best when I’m in therapy. It helped me to realize that when I have a trusted person to talk to and release my frustrations, fears, accomplishments, etc., I feel more level-headed and feel like I can do what I need to do because I’ll always have that time where I have a free space to say and do what I want. Everyone needs a “therapist.” Whether it’s your best friend, mom, or an actual professional therapist, having one can help you to share your voice. As a result, you’ll be more confident to take on the world. 

  • Always look good doing whatever you’re doing

If you wanna be a Girl Boss, you gotta look good. Always. It’s okay to have off days, but at least make sure your outfit is put together. You’re the main character in the movie, and you are in charge of the outfits. It’s okay to have sweatpants days, but you better pair them with some AF1s and a cute sweatshirt. When you look good, it literally boosts your mood and self-image in general. As well as help others to perceive you as “put-together”. Other people’s opinions don’t truly matter, but babe, if you look good, it’s always gonna be a good day. 

These are the keys that you need in order to be the ultimate Girl Boss. But remember: it’s always okay to stumble, it’s always okay to fail. You are not perfect, I’m not either. Yet, with consistency and passion, doing these things can help you to be a level 10 you. So go out there and go change the world!

Jasmine is our Social Media Director and writer for her campus. Check out her articles on Life, Style, Sex and Relationships, and more! Fun Fact: Jasmine loves popcorn.