As the midpoint of the semester passes, it is easy to feel tired, bored and simply not motivated to continue doing school work and going to class everyday. The daily routine can seem to drag and repeat itself every single day with weekends seeming to be only moments long. With not enough time in the day and assignments stacking up before finals, it is easy to stop caring. Here are 7 tips to help when all motivation is lost:
1. Plan your day
Make a schedule that allows you to get all your work done, go to class and have freetime. Remember to make time to eat meals as well as fitting in an occasional workout class at Ping.
2. Make a to-do list
Create a list of everything that has to be accomplished each day for the week. This will keep you organized and help make sure you do not miss any assignments along the way. This also lets you know when you can take breaks during the week.
3. Relax
Stress builds up. Take time to relax between classes, meditate, treat yourself to food uptown or use a facemask before a shower.
4. Take that nap
You are tired after class and just want to sleep and that is understandable. It is okay to take a break to nap as long as you remember to set an alarm to wake up and get to work after. Do not nap for too long, though, because you will have a hard time falling asleep at night.
5. Prioritize
Do what is important and due first before completing the easy things on your list. This helps prevent you from falling behind.
6. Reward yourself
After accomplishing a big project or assignment, reward yourself with a break, food or nap before moving onto the next assignment.
7. Be held accountable
Stay motivated with the help of friends to finish the semester strong. Ask them to help remind you to do your work instead of spending too much time socializing or on social media.
Stay focused and get motivated these final moments of the semester through prioritizing, rewarding and keeping your assignments straight with the use of a list and schedule. With just a few weeks until finals, it is important to keep grades up and study hard. Work and complete the school year strong, Bobcats!
(All photos courtesy of Giphy)