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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Ohio U chapter.

Name: Andrea Korman

Major: Early Childhood Education

Relationship status: In love with my boyfriend, Ryan

Favorite thing to do on campus? Going to the sporting events and cheering on OU!

Plans after graduation? I will be coming back to Athens to work at The Plains Elementary as a first grade Teaching Fellow while getting a masters degree in Curriculum and Instruction!

What will you miss most about Athens after graduation? I will miss my friends who are graduating since I will be returning. 

Favorite memory at OU? My favorite memory at OU would have to be the time I went to the ridges my freshman year. It was so scary but it was an amazing time! 

Words of advice for our freshman? Make sure to get involved really quick and open your door while in the dorms. You are able to meet so many different types of people this way!