As finals season is approaching, all hands are on deck for the last-minute study session and preparation to have that positive outcome we are all looking for. For the new and even the not-so-new first-year students who are jumping into the first finals of their college experience, here are a few common tips to be able to get the best outcome for you.
1. Rest: As much as you’ve been told this all of your life, sleep is a key component to human functionality and maintaining important information. Along with not pulling all-nighters or doing late-night minute study sessions, go to bed at a decent time for your body to get the maximum amount of recovery.
2. A Good Study Space: Having an area that fits your desires and needs is highly important, whether that be a quiet room all alone in the dark or a more open environment within the library surrounded by others. Whatever fits you and can provide the utmost productive and positive outcome is core to what will help keep you motivated.
3. Maintaining a Balance: During high-stress weeks, it is easy to shut down and lock yourself from the outside world, but it is important to be able to take breaks, have time to relax and breath a little. Having mental breaks away from pen and paper can help maintain information if it is a struggle. Sometimes all you need is a break and to go back and review the information with a fresh set of eyes.
4. Trying New Tactics: When reviewing information repetitively, sometimes things just don’t click. Trying new ways to study and different studying habits is key to the comprehension of new or old information. Just because something doesn’t necessarily “click” the first time doesn’t mean it won’t ever try something new.
5. Avoid Procrastination: Living in the world of social media and technology, it is common to fall victim to a deep dives just after one or two scrolls. Set yourself up for success, whether that be eliminating all items of distraction within the room or even leaving your devices in a separate space to not feel any temptation at all.
6. Stay Organized: Make sure you aren’t mixing and matching studying subjects, try to focus on one thing at a time to put forth the maximum amount of concentration and effort. Along with that, know the dates of when your paper, project, or final is! Be prepared and try your hardest not to let something catch you off guard.
7. Maintain a Healthy Diet: Food is fuel!! Taking care of your brain and body goes hand in hand with what you consume. When studying and focusing for finals, try to include food that helps your mind and stimulates your brain as you go: things like protein, red, yellow, and orange vegetables, nuts, and avocados; if you are looking for something on the sweeter side, try natural fruit and berries and dark chocolate!