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Hillary Johns: Life as a Post Grad

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Ohio U chapter.

Hillary Johns is the former Co-Editor-In-Chief of Her Campus Ohio U. She graduated in Dec. 2012 with a degree in Journalism from Scripps. She is currently working Invent. Read her advice on finding a job, being a J-School student and what she misses about Athens below.

What is your advice for journalism students in the J-School?
Get involved. You learn the most in your organizations and publications. I don’t think you need to settle in one publication either. Try a couple out because you’ll meet new people, make good connections and build a portfolio. I wrote for Thread and Her Campus, did some
PR for a Cru, Christian organization on campus, and I did a little bit of work for WOUB once upon a time. Try it all while you can because your boss will want you to be able to do everything.
What tips do you have for finding a job after graduation?
Linked In is where I found my job. I think that it’s a great place to connect with your friends, internship contacts and professors. It’s almost like a professional Facebook. Get a good headshot and post your jobs, clips and ask for recommendations. You can connect with the Scripps Alumni & Friends and get tips straight from Bobcats in the field.
Reach out to your fellow Bobcats. Ask your friends if they know about jobs in their area or if their offices are hiring. Some of my best experiences in journalism have been because I reached out to a Bobcat/Scripps Grad. I will always help my fellow alums out.
Keep an open mind and don’t be afraid to start small. This was the best advice that I got at Scripps Senior Saturday (which you should also attend!). That small first job is where you will learn and grow the most. I always remind myself that the first job you get won’t be the one you retire from. I love where I work and I have a lot of room to grow at my company.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
I want to be an internship coordinator for the company I’m working for now, Invent. We’re going to be doing some amazing things in the future and I can’t wait to pull my fellow Bobcats into the company. I’m looking forward to working more on our entertainment news website. 
In five years I see myself living and working in Cincinnati. Life looked really different four years ago and I never imagined how amazing my life would be at graduation. I know I can’t even imagine what my life will look like in five years.
What about Ohio University will keep you coming back for years to come?
The better question would be what would keep me away, which is nothing. I love Athens and the feeling that I get when I come over the hills and see the Convo and Peden Stadium. It feels like home. I wouldn’t want to live in Athens for my whole life, but I can see myself bringing my kids there someday and giving tours to my cousins when they start applying for school. And I’ve always got my friends and my HCOU ladies. I’ve met some of the best people on earth in Athens, OH. 
I miss Athens everyday, but it is a chapter in my life that is coming to an end. As sad as that is I’m ready because of the education I got at Scripps. Someday you’re going to miss all of this. Treasure the times on Court St and hanging out in Baker. Then remember how you had to walk up a hill everyday and you won’t feel quite so bad. 
Taylor is a graduate of Ohio University and former Co-Editor of Her Campus' OU branch. She would like to eventually work in the publishing industry with hopes of living in New York, San Francisco or Seattle. In her free time, Taylor enjoys reading, volunteering, or hitting up the most hipster joints in town.