At Ohio University, we celebrate Halloween better than anyone — after all, Athens is the host of the 3rd biggest block party in the United States! Whether it’s your first or fourth time witnessing this special weekend, here is what you can always expect at HallOUween.
Brainstorming for a costume starts several months in advance…
But some of us just suck at being creative. It doesn’t help when your friend comes up with a genius idea.
Whatever, everyone’s gonna be wasted anyways. Who cares, right?
Friends from other colleges who are coming can’t contain their excitement…
Oh snap, you forgot that only one entrance to the dorm works. Oops.
Finally Saturday night comes. TIME TO TURN UP!!!!
There are no words for the number of people on Court Street…
Or the costumes that are pretttyyy out there…
Someone always thinks it’s acceptable to be “Where’s Waldo?” (Hint: it’s not)
You WILL get separated from the group at some point.
Forget having cell phone service…
College trick-or-treating is basically entering the homes of total strangers for free alcohol. Sorry, you probably won’t find any candy.
At the end of the night, you’ll beat your personal record of how much time it takes to fall asleep.
And last but not least, the most entertaining part: the walk-of-shame costume parade!
Be safe Bobcats, help each other out and have a fantastic HallOUween!