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Love Across Campuses: 10 Tips for College Students in Long-Distance Relationships

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Ohio U chapter.

With the school year in full swing, the only thing I am missing is my best friend: my boyfriend.

Being a freshman in college comes with all kinds of firsts: the first time away from home and without my family, having to cook for myself and facing the dreadful dining hall food, and meeting brand-new people and friends. Aside from those things, the worst-first I’ve had to endure was leaving my boyfriend for long distance.

I have heard every “Aren’t you missing out on your college experience?” and “You’re too young for this” in the books. While these thoughts were scary, I can confidently say that not only has our love grown stronger, but it has also given me a deeper appreciation for our relationship. Distance has taught me both patience and trust, and every time I see him, it becomes more and more exciting. There are a few things we like to do while we’re apart, and I look forward to sharing my advice and tips for navigating the challenging long-distance journey.

#1 Communicate, Communicate, Communicate!

While this might sound cliche, it is true. Communication through any relationship is important, but it is key in a long-distance relationship. Being honest, open, and truthful with your partner can eliminate potential disagreements or arguments throughout the relationship. The last thing needed in a long-distance relationship is other problems. Of course, there will be disagreements, but communication can eliminate and solve many arguments. Always be respectful and kind while your partner is communicating a problem. Kindness can go a long way!

#2 Share Goals & Expectations

Sharing each others goals is an essential part of long-distance. These goals could include your college goals, future career goals, or even relationship goals. Sharing can lead to helping each other reach those goals, becoming each other’s biggest cheerleaders, and celebrating each other’s success! It is also important to share expectations for your relationship. Making sure you are both on the same page and comfortable in your relationship can help as well. Don’t forget to hold each other accountable for goals and expectations!

#3 Always Have A “Next Time”

Always try to have a “next time,” meaning always plan the next time you visit each other as soon as possible. Having set dates for visiting can help with a sense of stability and is less stressful. Finally, finding a time when you are each free will feel great. Crossing off the days is my particular favorite thing to do after finding a set day to visit.

#4 Include your Partner

Always include your partner in your everyday life. Share what is going on daily in your life: big and small. Sharing could make your partner feel included while they aren’t present physically.

#5 Mix Up Date Night

When you finally get to see each other, plan creative dates. Try a new restaurant or food, go to the beach or plan an outdoor date, or try something you’ve always wanted to do with your partner. Most importantly, have fun!

#6 Prioritize School

School should always come first, regardless. Plan around important deadlines and exams. This will help eliminate stress while you are with your partner. This will also keep you from falling behind! Study dates are also a fun way to see your partner while getting work done.

#7 Handwrite Letters & Send Gifts

While living in a technology-driven world, people often forget the excitement of opening a handmade letter or creative gift in the mail. Handwriting is a fun way to switch things up and personalize what you want to say, and random little gifts will cheer anyone up!

#8 Love LaNguages

Understanding your partner’s love language is crucial to better understanding the relationship you are in. It can help with how you act while you’re apart. Here is a link to a love language test that you and your partner can take: LOVE LANGUAGES

#9 Frequent Calls

Although college can be busy, my boyfriend and I try to FaceTime each other once a day. This helps our relationship since we can hear each other’s voices and see each other’s faces. Always share your day, inclusion is important.

#10 Creativity

Along with talking frequently, my boyfriend and I try to connect off the phone. Playing online games like Trivia Crack is a great way to have fun while far away. We have also watched movies together using Netflix Party. Teleparty allows you to talk and watch the same movie as your partner remotely. Get creative! Playing games and watching movies together is something we love to do in person, so we found the next best thing. Consider answering questions from We’re Not Really Strangers about long-distance over the phone with your partner. This can help to connect while far away.

Here are links to Trivia Crack, Teleparty, and the We’re Not Really Strangers long-distance question cards.


“Absence makes the heart grow fonder.”

Roman Poet – Sextus Propertius

Always remember that if you are in a long-distance relationship, you are not alone. According to a 2005 study, up to 75 percent of U.S. college students have been in a long-distance relationship at one point in their life. Keeping in mind that there are many different ways to connect and communicate even when you aren’t with each other is crucial to maintaining a happy and healthy relationship. Don’t forget to have fun while in this chapter of life!

Naomi Boyes is a current Journalism student at Ohio University, and is an active member of Chi Omega Sorority. She is from Akron Ohio, and enjoys music, scrapbooking, sports, and all things beauty.