HOUmecoming Week is filled with lots of traditions. Specifically HOUmecoming Weekend is filled with more traditions. Bobcats come back to celebrate on Ohio University’s campus once again. Many current students partake in one particular tradition and that’s “kegs and eggs” on the Saturday morning of HOUmecoming. Here’s a typical timeline of OUr Bobcats’ adventures:
1:58 a.m. Everyone that is trying to last the entire night scrambles to order one more drink at his or her favorite bar before closing.
GIF: eonline.comÂ
2:00 a.m. The bars close and bar employees scream louder than ever for everyone to get out because they have to open back up in 3 hours.
2:10 a.m. Everybody types in every group message on their phone asking where “kegs and eggs” is.
GIF: media3.popsugar-assets.com
2:30 a.m. When you finally find a spot, you realize there are plenty of kegs with warm Natty light beer and no eggs…
GIF: giphy.com
2:55 a.m. At some parties, sober, brave souls travel to Wal-Mart to get eggs for the party.
GIF: 25.media.tumblr.com
3:30 a.m. The sober soul realizes they should have bought 20 more cartons of eggs.
GIF: giphy.com
3:45 a.m. A lot of people are too tired and too hungry to put up with the chaos and decide to go home to nap before the bars open.
 GIF: ak-hdl.buzzfed.com
4:00 a.m. One more hour to go until the bars open. All of the strong-minded individuals who have made it this long are tired, but the wait is almost over!
 GIF: veganneeds.files.wordpress.com
4:30 a.m. Still no eggs…
 GIF: images.rapgenius.com
5:00 a.m. The bars finally open up, and those who actually wake up from naps and those who stayed up all night flock to their favorite bar.
 GIF: mashable.com
5:10 a.m. Every bartender questions why they ever started bartending in Athens.
GIF: gifsec.com
10:00 a.m. Court Street Diner and Union Street Diner are filled with people who just want some fricken’ eggs.
GIF: giphy.com
12:05 p.m. Most people who made it all night decide to finally get some sleep (and probably eggs).
 GIF: askastudent.utoronto.ca
If you are lucky, you will find the perfect party with a good supply of eggs and nice, cold kegs; hence the name, “kegs and eggs”. If you decide to skip kegs and eggs, try to wake up for the bars. HOUmecoming is an experience like no other, and even though kegs and eggs can be disappointing, you should experience it at least once while you are a Bobcat!