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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OK State chapter.

I have had the worst luck the past couple weeks, but Twitter is always around to entertain me. I went through my recent likes and found some tweets that brought me some joy or entertained me and decided to share them for anybody else who needs a little pick-me-up.


Puppy videos are always a good idea.


My grandparents are the only ones I know that actually call it “supper” so…

This Reaction


This also pretty much describes how I feel about organic chemistry.

The Brotherhood

I sincerely hope this guy was being serious and there was a bunch of lax bros making him cry about his ex in every game.

Shotgunning Books


I have never heard a better description for this sensation.

Tumbling Class

I hope Emma’s okay, but I definitely laughed when I saw this. I just want to know HOW??

Ned’s Declassified Adult Survival Guide

They’re all so old! I’M SO OLD! Excuse me while I have a breakdown.


Imagine hearing the sound of this guy hitting the floor and just being able to create this masterpiece. Brilliant. I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve watched this and it only gets funnier.

My Hometown

No, I haven’t watched any more episodes of The Bachelor, but if I was on it and had a hometown date, this would be about it. Except we don’t even have a McDonald’s. We could watch Amish buggies drive by though.

Miss Thing


I have absolutely nothing to add to this. It brought me so much joy.

The Best Birthday Party

Okay, I know she’s only 8, but I really want to be friends with this girl’s niece.

Another Fail


At this point, I’m realizing it’s probably not good that I find so many videos of people accidentally getting hurt so funny. 

The Dunk Contest

I really want to know what else they have done because the look on that guy’s face when he gets there screams “I’m tired of this” and that this isn’t the first time something like this has happened.

The Panic

I can’t even begin to count how many times I woke up in the middle of the night panicking because I thought I was late for morning practices or weight lifting and I am so glad I never have to worry about that again.

This Dramatic Ending


I really thought I had something original and unique when I was ending a story with the earth-shattering revelation that none of the story was even true – it was all just imagined. 

This Cat

The way he switches from staring angrily to looking so cute and loving is incredible.

The Drink Pour

She’s so angry and he just casually pours his drink ALL OVER HER and walks away. I’m dying to know what was happening.

The Best Use of Hoverboards

I’m so jealous of these kids. That looks like so much fun. I miss being a kid.

The Fault in Our Stars’ Impact

John Green knew exactly what he was doing to every pre-teen and teenage girl’s heart when he wrote that, but the heartbreak was also just too good.

Shower Performances

I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again, it’s so much better to be a singer than a dancer because dancing in the shower never ends well. But, more or less, this might also be what my showers turn into.

I hope this list brought you at least a couple of smiles. Hang in there as we get to midterms! Spring break is just around the corner.

Ann is a senior at Oklahoma State University majoring in nutritional sciences. She is also a personal trainer and in her free time likes to relax and watch movies.