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AskAndy : Why doesn’t he want to be official?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OK State chapter.

Dating someone is a dangerous game, just when you think you’re an official couple, he lets you know that is not the case.  This question seems like such a reoccurring one that I felt the need to consult several of my good friends on the subject. The answers weren’t the things people in the situation want to hear. However if you know of the possible reasons behind it then you’re more likely to be able to understand it. Although surely not the tip of the iceberg, five reasons stood out as pattern among people.


1.       There’s another girl

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 This is easily the most daunting on the list. If you’re in competition with someone for this guy, then you shouldn’t want him. If this is the case look at the bright-side, now you don’t have to waste more time on that relationship.


2.       He doesn’t think of you the way you think of him

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This is always disappointing. This is probably the most common reason why a guy doesn’t want to be official; he just doesn’t want too. At least you know and identified it before it became a bigger problem (refer to number 1).


3.       You’re a rebound

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This one should be fairly easy to figure out. Was he dating someone immediately prior to you, if so consider the possibility that you are a rebound. It isn’t fun to realize you’re on the wrong end of the court in this situation. However no one should feel bad in this situation. Quickly dating someone after a big relationship is a common occurrence and one you may well take part in or already have in your life.


4.       Lack of action

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Not all of life’s questions have nice answers. Unfortunately a lot of guys will get impatient if there is a lack of intimacy. This doesn’t mean anyone should feel compelled to have to sleep with someone to date them, quite the opposite.


5.       Money

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It is shocking how many guys don’t get into relationships because they don’t feel they can afford too. Ideally money wouldn’t get in the way of a relationship but most guys are to embarrassed to admit this to their date, and would rather just leave an opportunity due to lack of funds.


Ultimately though the reasons why a guy doesn’t want to be official do not matter. What matters is that he doesn’t want that and you do, which means he isn’t the one for you. Eventually everyone finds that someone who does want to be official, and then you won’t have to ever question it.