Name: Garrison Bare
Major and Minors:Â History Major Military Science and German Minors
Why History: I have always loved history. The past is so simple becuase its so set and the values seemed stronger. I really like learning about cultures and some that don’t exisit anymore and I like to think about what we are going to be known for as culture of the past.Â
Class:Â Junior
Favorite Memories at OSU:Â Football season because I’m in ROTC–we are always on the field and doing the push up board. And you are right there its better than a press box view.
Best Date you Have Ever Had: I was in highschool with a girl that I hadn’t been dating for very long. I set up a projector on the side of my buddies barn that was outside of town and it played her favorite movie, which was Stand By Me. We had dinner and then to the barn where we just sat in the back of my truck and watched the movie.
Campus Activies:Â ROTC, House Boy at Zeta Tau Alpha, OSU Living History Association and the History Club
Favorite Quality in a Girl: Easy going girl. For example if it starts raining on campus doesn’t get all up set or cares just goes okay lets walk in the rain.Â
What is Your Viggest Turn off with a Girl:Dishonesty or a girl trying to be something she is not.Â
Favorite Spot on Campus:Â The big trees out in front of Thatcher, because in the fall the leaves turn yellow and its really pretty its just yellow all around. Same for the Spring they get really big and full bloom and it gets really shady and its a nice spot to sit and watch the sunsets.
Favorite Way to Relax:Having a few drinks and shooting pool with my friends.
Hobbies:I like to go out to the lake with my friends and not just on the water but I Â like to go hiking, camping, and hunting. And I like working on my Truck
Dream Girl:Â 5’8-5’9, Brunette, likes to dance, and doesn’t want to live in town.Â