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Campus Cuties: Cris Smith

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OK State chapter.



  1. Name: David Cristopher Ryan Smith
  1. Major: Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
  1. Classification: 4/5 years so Senior Jr.?
  1. Hometown: Cushing, OK
  1. Sign:Aries

OK State Life

  1. Activities/Clubs:Theta Tau
  1. Best Class: Thermo II
  1. Worst Class: Heat Transfer
  1. Favorite place to eat: B-Dubs
  1. What made you chose OSU: Their excellence in the Design-Build-Fly Competition

Fun Facts:

  1. Nicknames: Journey, Topher
  1. Name one thing on your bucket list: Sky-diving
  1. What is one unknown fact about you: I love to garden
  1. Favorite childhood movie: Rio Bravo with John Wayne
  1. Boxers or briefs: Boxers

Love Life

  1. Single: Dating
  1. Dream Girl: One with a voice, and I’ve got her
  1. Deal Breakers: Does she have a cat?
  1. Celebrity Crush: Tina Fey

     5. Best date: Back-roading in June

I am a senior at Oklahoma State University. My major is Multimedia Journalism with a minor in leadership. I aspire to be a news anchor or work for a fashion magazine, I am honestly open to any kind of journalism though. I am the Her Campus correspondent for OSU. I interned for News on 6 in Tulsa, Okla this summer and I loved every second of it. Basically, I am just a fun-loving girl who loves her friends and family. The only expectations I have for the future is to be happy.