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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OK State chapter.

            Put your spurs on for this one. Some girls were made for sweet, dainty things, but other girls were made for the heat. So here’s to the girls with some grit: pickled jalapenos.

            Working on farms and ranches has taught me many things. Most of all, it has taught me the value of a hard day’s work despite the pain, the heat, and the exhaustion. There’s a unique connection and an acquired toughness that comes from blistered hands gripping the rein of a bucking colt. It’s the same drive that makes you get back on after you hit the dirt. There is nothing nice about it, but there is a certain sweetness that blossoms when the sun rises over the pasture on a balmy morning before the sweltering heat of summer overtakes the atmosphere. It keeps you shoving your feet back into your boots, day after day. This is grit.

            So for all of the girls with grit, here is my great-grandmother’s pickled jalapeno recipe. My favorite thing about this recipe (other than the fact that it’s Nana’s) is that the jalapenos retain their crispness despite being canned. They start sweet, and then the heat kicks in. It’s not the kind of spicy that slaps you in the face the second it hits your tongue. I love adding these to venison chili or eating them on crackers. They would also be good added to a frittata. Occasionally, I’ll even eat them plain. They are easy to make and are a great addition to a charcuterie board.


            I recommend canning the jalapenos (water-bath works fine) so that they will store longer and do not have to be refrigerated. However, regardless of canning, they should be kept in the fridge after opening.

            Allow the jalapenos to set for at least a week before opening.

Pickled Jalapenos

Yield: 1 quart


            7-9 Jalapenos

1 c. Vinegar

            1 c. Water

            11/4 tsp. Ground cloves

            1 tsp. Turmeric

            1/4 tsp. Nutmeg

            1 tsp. Salt

            2 tsp. Ground garlic

            2 Tbsp. Sugar


  1. Chop jalapenos to desired width and add to jar
  2. Mix vinegar, water, sugar, and all of the spices and pour into a large saucepan
  3. Boil for 2-3 minutes
  4. While still hot, pour vinegar solution over jalapenos
  5. Seal with water-bath or preferred canning method
Lauren August

OK State '22

I have a passion for all things hunting, shooting, fishing, off-roading, and sailing. I am an avid horsewoman, and I hold multiple national titles in the show ring. When I'm not in the barn, I can usually be found in the hangar. I am on my way to being a third generation pilot, and I enjoy cross-country flights to lunch on the weekends. I am always looking for a new recipe to try (or share), and occasionally, I'll throw together my own concoction.