Texting has become the main form of communication among our generation. It’s quick, easy and a way to pass the time during lecture class. However, when it comes to texting guys, most of us have a tendency to overanalyze the underlying message, hoping it answers the inevitable question, “Does he like me?”
The simple answer is if a guy likes you, he will make a point to contact you and see you. But, we want to make sure that it is for the right reason. Here are a few tips to help you determine if your crush is into you via text
First things first, if a guy texts you later at night, sober or drunk, and suggests meeting at one of your houses, this is a booty call, it is simple as that.
Moving on, you text him first. If he responds with a specific question or something that requires a response such as, “Hi, how was dinner with your friends?” or “How did your test go?” he genuinely pays attention to what is going on in your life and cares about you. Don’t become a stage five clinger though, keep the conversation casual and express genuine interest in his life, as well. He may not be head over heels for you yet, but the possibility is definitely there.
It’s 11 a.m. and you are sitting in economics class daydreaming about anything but supply and demand. You get a text saying “Just thinking about you and wanted to say hi. ”or“ How’s your day going so far?” you are obviously crossing his mind and he is making an effort to let you know he is thinking about you.
Guys are usually terrible at expressing any emotions or feelings in person; therefore getting them to express it via text is not easy either. So if your texter’s messages are a bit vague or impersonal, don’t go into depression. Keep the small talk going and if he continues to respond it is obvious he enjoys being in touch with you and thinks about you even when you are not together
We all know the smiley and wink faces. If a guy takes time to add these anywhere throughout your texting conversation (with the exception of the booty call text) he has feelings for you.
If you still feel the need to sit there and critique his text with your friends, do something archaic and call him. If he answers, you will be able to better determine his interest through his tone and the ease of the conversation. Many guys still don’t like to text and will be more open on the phone.
Hetexted.com is a website where you can post a confusing text anonymously and people can tell you if he’s into you or not. Or you can leave advice for some girl going through the same thing you once did.