Everyone wants a relationship where they can laugh and be silly with their other half. It’s a comfort to have a person to call when you need a shoulder to cry on or when you need someone just to go to Wal-Mart with. But, some people may not have this luxury. Many times people are forced into long distance relationships, including college students. You might start dating someone, then summer comes and there are internships, leases ending, and jobs and back moving home. Even though it’s only for a few months, having a long distance relationship can really test the relationship.
My friends dealt with this situation last summer when the boyfriend had an internship in Ft. Worth, and his girlfriend had an internship in Tulsa. So, they were both busy. They would text as much as they could, talk on the phone at night, but they only got to see each other three times in the summer. Neither of them would have said it was ideal or easy. Some nights there were would be tears and frustrations, while others there would be smiles and laughter. But, they both knew these opportunities were bettering their future and they weren’t going to hold each other back. When they both got back to Stillwater they were so relieved and less sensitive.
Everyone has heard the phrase, “absence makes the heart grow founder.”
I asked ten people how they felt about long distance relationships and their answers were similar. No one wanted to be in a long distance relationship, because it is not an ideal situation. Many of the people I asked said if they were in a relationship and it had to become long distance, it just would not work. One person I talked to had been in a long distance relationship for over a year. He said that it wasn’t easy and he would not recommend it, but in the end it made him a better person. It also showed him what his strengths and weakness are.
Personally, I would do a long distance relationship if I had already been with the person beforehand and it was for a short period of time. It really depends on the people in the relationship. If both partners care enough about each other and are willing to make it work, then it can work. It takes a lot of commitment and dedication but there are success stories out there. You just have to be confident in yourself and your relationship.