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Know These Things Before Moving From Texas to Oklahoma

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OK State chapter.

When you move from home to go to college it can go two different ways.

There is the way that makes college ten times better because there are way more things to do and there are way more people. Then there is the way of moving from a city with everything to do, to a collegetown and there is only the college there. Here are some things that changed when I moved from the city of Arlington, Texas to the town of Stillwater, Oklahoma. 


1. The Weather 

In Texas we have wind, but not like the wind in Oklahoma. The wind in Oklahoma can probably knock you down if you are not careful because the wind literally comes sweeping down the plain.

2. The REAL Tex-Mex cuisine

In Texas Tex-Mex is a real thing, but in Oklahoma they only have Mexican resturants and its just not the same. 

3. Activities outside of school

Being that Arlington is a city and nearby cities were close there were things to do at all times of the day, week, month and year. With Stillwater its hard ot find things to do that dont involve the school, unless you want to drive at least an hour away so it can get a little boring sometimes.

4. Road trip scenery

When driving in Texas you can see things all around you. You see Dallas from miles away, but in between you and Dallas there is a whole other city. In Oklahoma there is not much to look at. On the drive from home to school there are grass fields, cliffs and more glass fields. 

5. The gas stations

Living in Texas you cna leave you house low on gas, and get gas along the way because you will hit one as teh next exit but not in Oklahoma. Oklahoma has there gas stations so spread out that if you leave your house low on gas there is a possibility of you getting stuck in the middle of no where wiht the closest gas station being a mom and pop gas station 10 miles up the road. 

These are the things I wish I knew before moving out Oklahoma and I think you should know them too.

I love my university and I love Stillwater and wouldnt change it ever, but I take advantage of these things when in Texas.