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Questions All New Sorority Members Want To Ask

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OK State chapter.

Welcome new members of the Panhellenic Council, you did it!

You made it through recruitment with the crazy weather, the emotional rollercoaster majority of people had and the outfits you felt amazing in until you stepped outside and realized you would rather be in shorts and a t-shirt.

Congrats! Now that you have found your forever home you are probably asking yourself, now what? Now what am I supposed to do, what am I supposed to say, what is this chapter thing we have one a week? All of those are very good questions and I am here to help with those. 


1. What am I supposed to do now?

This question is easy, get involved. You joined a sorority and now have so many different ways of getting involved. You can help with your philanthropy, membership, public relations, anything. There are so many things within the sorority that you forget there is a whole other world outside of your sorority. Do not forget all the other clubs that you can join. Every university has an abundance of clubs and organizations that can be geared towards your major or anything you are interested in.

2. What am I supposed to say/ who do I talk to? 

EVERYBODY. Talk to all of your new sisters and get to know them! Everyone will welcome you with open arms and its so easy to just talk to someone. And you can talk about anything. Guy troubles? Sister advice. Campus troubles? Ask a sister. Need help with a class? Ask a sister. Need someone to go with on adventures? Ask ALL your sister. They are her for you and you are there for them. 

3. What is chapter?

For a quick definition it is a meeting of all the members where we discuss future events and what the sorority has in the making when it comes to social events, philanthropy events, etc. Very beneficial so I recommend to go if you can. 

4. How do I not lose my non-greek friends?

The only way to not lose friends when you get ot college in general is to stay in contact with them. If you start ot not talk to them and stop keeping up with them and what they have been up to, why would they try to talk to you. So the best thing is to keep up and continue the friendship even if you both have busy schedules and making time for each other. Also invite your non-greek friends to greek events because everyone is welcome and she/he will get to see you in your element and have a better understanding of why your sorority means so much to you. 

Greek life is very time consuming and can get a little crazy sometimes, but if you put yourself out there and try to talk to everyone it seems to go by so quick. You’re a freshman now (or maybe your not), but the time when you are gathering together with the other seniors in your sorority to take senior pictures it will feel like just yesterday you were running home to the rest of your sisters.