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Top Sites for College Women

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OK State chapter.

As college women, we are always on the go.  We need to have the latest fashion tips, trending news topics, career advice and trends in the industry at the tips of our manicured nails.  Otherwise, how will we function in our day to day collegiette lives.
Here are a list of helpful sites for college age women.  If you have never checked out any of these sites, be sure to give them a quick look.  Well, give them more than a quick look.  They are worth your time!

  1. Iwantherjob.com

This website features women with powerful jobs. The website entails interviews that describes what they do and how they got to where they are.  This is a great site for aspiring anythings, writers, singers, publicists, pilots, entrepreneurs, counselor, event planners, journalists and actresses.

  1. Dailycandy.com

This site breaks up the latest news in fashion, travel, culture, food and drink and our favorite, DEALS, by city.  So maybe you are traveling to New York for the break or are visiting a friend in Dallas, check out this site to get all the best stimulating info on food, fashion and culture in the city you are obsessed with.

  1. Pintertest.com:

Many women already know what pinterest is, but if you don’t I am here to welcome you to the homework procrastinating website. This website has workout tips, food recipes, do-it-yourself projects, clothing, wedding ideas and much more. You can simply “repin” the items you like, to be looked at later.

  1. Life2pointoh.com

The website that will solve every quarter life crisis! So you are in your 20s (or late teens) and you are now facing a world of different problems.  You are in the “in between” stage where your parents may help you pay for a few things here and there but no one can be responsible for your weekend mishaps or for not making it to work on time.  This site will provide real life stories of women in the twenty something stage on everything from health, relationships, fashion and a nice addition at the far end of the taskbar, volunteering!  Be sure to check it out to solve any quarter life crisis.

  1. HerCampus.com

HerCampus.com provides college and high school age women with news within a relatable way.  It is as if your sister or best friend is telling it to you.  Campuses across the country have their own branches of Her Campus, so news is localized and specific to states, cities and colleges.  On the main page, readers can find broad news that can apply to any girl no matter what her locale.

I am a senior at Oklahoma State University. My major is Multimedia Journalism with a minor in leadership. I aspire to be a news anchor or work for a fashion magazine, I am honestly open to any kind of journalism though. I am the Her Campus correspondent for OSU. I interned for News on 6 in Tulsa, Okla this summer and I loved every second of it. Basically, I am just a fun-loving girl who loves her friends and family. The only expectations I have for the future is to be happy.
Stephanie Taylor is originally from Detroit, Michigan and moved to Tulsa, Oklahoma with her parents when she was sixteen. Five years later, she is now a senior at Oklahoma State University majoring in news-editorial with a minor in English. Her three passions are writing, fashion and music. Stephanie loves telling other peoples' stories and seeing her words come to life. In the future, she will be an editor in chief of a young women's magazine and a screenwriter. She currently holds the title of Miss Black OSU and volunteers with different organizations for young women and for mentally and physically disabled young adults. Stephanie has been accused of trying to save the world, which always makes her smile. In response to that, she says she just wants to do all she can with all she has in the time she has on the earth.