She does everything she possibly can within the Stillwater community and Greek community.
Even with the two clashing she still has the ability to push through and get everything done.
Chi-Chi an psychology major at Oklahoma State University is in a sorority, has held positions in her sorority, has been on the morale team for Cowboython, and has been volunteering ever since she started college. She does it all while also keeping up with school and friends.
Chi-Chi started out as a colony member within her sorority and thought it would be an easier process than if she joined an already established sorority, but come to find out she was wrong. With everything she went through with establishing the chapter, she took it as a positive outlook on sororities and realized that there are hard times, but you have to preserve and push through it. Alongside establishing her soroity Chi-Chi finds time to volunteer for the Stillwater community by participating in, Into the Streets and Cowboython.Â
Sisters in Chi-chi’s chapter consider her to the heart and soul of the chapter.
Everyone loves her for not only what she has done for the chapter,but what she has done for the community and how she changes everyone she talks to.
She does the most to acheive, learn, comfort and listen to everything and everyone.