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You’re A Boss Lady

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OK State chapter.

Everyone needs a little bit of motivation here and there. No matter how great everything is going, something always seems to weigh us down. I am here to say, you can do it!


You better work! Do you want to be tied down by your man and let him tell you that you can’t work because you have to clean the house and cook all day? NO. You want to conquer the world with your intelligence! Like a cousin once said to me, “It is time for women to do the same things as men, if not better!!”


Each day is a day closer to your goal and if you don’t work, nothing will! God is in all and he will help you, but you can’t expect him to magically appear words on a ten-page paper!  You better stop being lazy and/or procrastinating and get it done.


LIFE IS SHORT! Don’t wait all your life waiting for something to happen, make it happen! Do something for yourself and get you your dream house in that nice neighborhood! You can’t say, “I’ll start Monday (one day),” because let’s be real you’ve been saying that your whole life. Shit won’t get done on its own! Think about the 24 hours you have in a day and what you can do with that say to get you closer to where you want to be.


Don’t let ANYBODY tell you that you cannot do something. I dare them to. You want something? Go get it. You want that PhD? Go get it. You want that Lambo in your driveway? Go get it. By get it, I mean work for it, nothing is handed to you but you have the power to work for what you want and it is all in your mindset. You cannot think because someone said you’ll never be good at something, it’s true. If you believe you won’t, it’ll happen. The second you believe in yourself and believe you can do anything, is the day you can. Think positive and keep a good mindset. You can do anything you set your mind to.


Lastly, GIRLS SUPPORT GIRLS. Why build an empire if no one’s there to support you? You don’t get anything out of criticizing other women, or hoping for their failure. Focus on yourself and how YOU can be better instead of worrying about others and how they’re doing.  All you are doing is helping them out and motivating them to do better. Get rid of the bad vibes and work with one another.  Go out of your way and let someone know they are doing great!


We are all BOSS LADIES.


Remind yourself you’re a boss ass bitch who doesn’t need no man!


In the wise words of Brittney Spears, “You better work, bitch!”


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Jasmine Fain

OK State '19

  Is a Senior at the BRIGHTEST campus in the nation Oklahoma State University. She is a Professional Writing major with a Minor in Linguistics. Check out her articles each week to keep up to date on the many fun things that OSU has to offer. In your spare time also check out her blog LIVINGWITHJ to catch a preview of her life!