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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oklahoma chapter.

Photo by Raphael Lovaski on Unsplash


I’ve used drugstore makeup for as long as I can remember. As I got older, I got interested in seeing what the difference would be in a seven dollar foundation versus a thirty dollar foundation. My first stop on the expensive side was MAC, and here’s what I learned.


Better coverage

I have dark circles under my eyes that I was literally born with. Thin skin, they say, but without makeup it just looks like I haven’t slept in a week. I also have a face full of freckles that I am fond of. The MAC foundation solved my under-eye problem, but it also took away all of my freckles. A give and take, I suppose, that I couldn’t quite find the balance in. For most, this is a great quality. It didn’t look cakey but also evened out my skin.


Longer lifespan

When I used drugstore products, it would only last for a few hours before I looked like I had just worn makeup from the day before. By the time I was taking it off at night, it was basically gone. The MAC foundation lasted all day. It may not have looked as great by the time I was taking it off, but it was there. The look that I put on in the morning lasted throughout whatever I was doing for the day. I could cry and the foundation stayed in place! IMPRESSIVE.


Heavier on skin

Even in the middle of puberty, I never struggled with acne. Here and there it would pop up but not as a regular occurrence. Using MAC foundation for a couple of months, I learned about breakouts! Nothing changed in my life other than what was on my face all day long. Same laundry detergent, same skincare routine, same moisturizer, washing my pillow cases the same amount and the same eating habits, yet I could not keep my face clear.


I’m not blaming MAC for my breakouts, but I will say, it didn’t happen like that beforehand. The foundation was very thick and heavy on my pores. Occasionally, I would use a makeup wipe at the end of the day, come away with a filthy wipe, and still have spots of makeup that were married to my face.


Overall, I was definitely impressed by the durability of a more expensive product. Just jumping from Walmart brands to MAC was a huge difference in the look and quality. Although this didn’t work well for my skin, the product is solid and does the job.


Kalei Cypert

Oklahoma '18

Kalei Cypert is a senior studying Professional Writing at The University of Oklahoma. She got married the summer going into her junior year and is convinced that marriage is just a bunch of sleepovers in a row with endless cuddles. She’s an avid fan of Bob’s Burgers, Oxford commas, and reading instead of doing homework.
Emily Parker

Oklahoma '19

Hi my name is Emily Parker and I am a senior at the Univeristy of Oklahoma! I am from Tucson, Arizona and I am majoring in Business Marketing and minoring in Art. After graduation I would like to travel abroad and pursue a career in fashion marketing!