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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oklahoma chapter.

Image via The Washington Post


Jane the Virgin?

Pitch Perfect?

Someone Great?

You may not have heard of the last one but you should. Someone Great, staring Jane the Virgin’s Gina Rodriguez and Pitch Perfect’s Brittany Snow star in this tear jerking Netflix original. Focusing on Rodriguez’s love life, her character, Jenny, tries to pick herself back up after realizing her 9 year relationship would be ending. Jenny gets offered her dream job and decides to take it but would have to move across the country from New York to California. After discussion with her boyfriend that she’s had since college about what their next step would be, the conclusion was to end it.

At this point in the movie I was a sobbing mess and was physically aching. It is not the normal Netflix original that has a usual Disney-esque happing ending or even a happy middle. I struggled watching it. I struggled to see how this movie could turn around. At the same time, I struggled with not loving every minute of it because it made me realize that while most of us think we have everything planned out, life has no agenda.

Image via Vox


The main character realized at the end of the movie that though she didn’t want to leave everything she had known for the past decade- boyfriend, friends and her city, she recognized that she once didn’t have those certain things either. What I took away from this movie is that we may think we won’t be able to do something because we’ve done something else for so long and put so much of ourselves in it, but that’s just not true. This character had the courage to recognize that the beautiful relationship she once had was not the one she was currently in. She realized that people grow and change and will constantly. She realized that you should never settle for your relationships or careers and that you should always do what you need to do to make yourself the best version of you that you can. Her friends supported her throughout her difficult decisions and comforted her by saying just because things are changing doesn’t mean we will change.

Of all the coming of age movies about trying to figure out where life will take you, I can say Someone Great will be one I remember for a long time. A movie that broke my heart as well as remind me that we all change constantly and need to remember everything will work out as long as you don’t settle and make safe decisions. Even if you’re unable to relate to Jenny’s struggles directly, you’ll still come away with the idea that the grass is always greener and good friends are the best medicine. If I haven’t convinced you by now with the movie itself, check out its soundtrack on Spotify. Man, I could not suggest this movie enough.


I like to tweet funny things but I won't do that here.
Emily Parker

Oklahoma '19

Hi my name is Emily Parker and I am a senior at the Univeristy of Oklahoma! I am from Tucson, Arizona and I am majoring in Business Marketing and minoring in Art. After graduation I would like to travel abroad and pursue a career in fashion marketing!