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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oklahoma chapter.

Photo by Element5 Digital on Unsplash


We’ve made it past Spring Break, which means we are officially in the home stretch of this semester. With only a little over a month of school left, this is the perfect time to gauge how you are doing academically and mentally, as well as begin implementing changes to improve for the next semester and beyond.


If your grades aren’t exactly where you want them to be, now is the time to kick it into high gear. Go to your professor’s office hours, take notes more thoroughly and go to tutoring – really make the conscious decision to use your time intentionally these next few weeks.


With finals week coming up, you probably have tons of deadlines to keep track of. With that being said, now is the perfect time to start using your planner religiously if that is not already part of your routine.  


If you’re like me and can never seem to keep track of a planner, you can set reminders on your phone, post sticky notes around your room or just make an old-fashioned to-do list. Just do whatever will make remembering assignment deadlines easier for you.


The end of the semester is always considered the most stressful part, so try to combat that by doing some seriously self-care. Self-care can be anything from getting a massage to actually sleeping at night as opposed to studying.


Whatever you choose to do, just keep in mind that you still have time to end this semester on a high note.


Amanda Wilkins

Oklahoma '22

Amanda Wilkins is a Freshman Journalism major at the University of Oklahoma.
Emily Parker

Oklahoma '19

Hi my name is Emily Parker and I am a senior at the Univeristy of Oklahoma! I am from Tucson, Arizona and I am majoring in Business Marketing and minoring in Art. After graduation I would like to travel abroad and pursue a career in fashion marketing!