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Wellness > Sex + Relationships

The Stages of Being Broken Up With

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oklahoma chapter.

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

1. Crying

If you aren’t sobbing hysterically every time you look at anything that even kind of reminds you of them, I would advise seeking help from a therapist because you’re in a major state of denial. Word of advice: ice cream, while delicious, will not make you feel better.

2. Cyber Stalking

Put. The. Phone. Down. Trust me on this one, stop looking at their Instagram or Snapchat or, hell even their Facebook— it’s a dangerous place to be. Likelihood is that they will move on and then crazy you will want to try and destroy their lives and set their new S.O. on fire. That might just be a me thing though. Word of advice: block and delete.

3. Anger

This is a scary one. You know things about his person that could destroy their life. Do not speak of it to anyone. In the long run, the drama that this causes will not be conducive to moving on (and yes, I know that you don’t want to move on yet). It will just throw you back into a violent tornado of emotions that you don’t need to be dealing with right now. Words of advice: journals are your best friend. I am also a big fan of getting out my anger through exercise whether that be running or beating the crap out of a punching bag.

4. Revenge Body

The gym is not your best friend and worst enemy. You have to get in the best shape of your life and post about it on all forms of social media because they need to know what they’re missing out on. You hate squats but also love looking at your butt in the mirror now so it’s totally worth it. Words of advice: remember that you were beautiful before and that your worth isn’t in how others view you.

5. Removal of Reminders

This is a very painful one. At this point you may or may not have already given their things back. If they’re the “no, I gave it to you. It’s yours now. I want you to have it,” kind of person, might I recommend a fire pit? It’s incredibly satisfying. As for the picture— you’re going to tear them up in a fit of rage and then probably cry again. Deleting the pictures off your phone will make things feel more permanent. This is a hard but necessary step in the process. Its okay to keep a few pictures. After all, those are your memories and they weren’t all bad. Also, you look hot as hell in those pics. Words of advice: I’m telling you, fire pits are an amazing way to get rid of their stuff and a really good excuse to make s’mores.

6. Making Time for Yourself

You just got out of a relationship that took up so much of your time. You’re gonna get back into old hobbies. Remember how much you loved running or painting or reading or crochet? Now you actually have time for them again! Your best friends somehow become even better because now you hang out more and you’re part of the stories and not just hearing them second hand anymore. You realize how happy you can be single because you’re strong and independent. You come to find that you love yourself and that’s when you can finally say that you did it. You got through it. It still might hurt occasionally but you know you’re better off.

Morgan is a social work major with minors in social justice and Spanish at the University of Oklahoma. In her free time, Morgan enjoys reading, writing, getting tattoos, watching Netflix, fighting the patriarchy, and taking naps.