We are undeniably the best SUNY school! We throw the best parties, have some of the most awesome professors, and basically have the best group of attending students. To top it all off, we also have the best fall season specifically for these reasons:
1.   The view. Our campus is great all year round, even in the nasty winter, but in the fall it seems as if magic happens. We are lucky enough to have such a pretty view while walking to class. We also have the privilege of watching the mountains transform from a gorgeous green to a sunset mix, which you usually only see in the movies. Seriously, the views from our dorms are breathtaking. #TeamOney
2.  Drinks. Right now, we have Pumpkin Spice Lattes on campus! I’m not talking about the copycat version most school cafes have—we got the real deal. *Moment of silence for Starbucks<3* Now for our sophisticated party animals, the fall beers! Pumpkin Ale makes you feel just that much better at Jimmy T’s.
3.  A clean slate. It’s a new year so we don’t have to worry about those mistakes we all made while we were freshman or that embarrassing hook-up you had as a sophomore. Fall is crisp and clean, just like the new beginning we all sometimes need.
4.  Halloweekend. On top of the fact that it’s basically like a 3-day party, everyone’s friends from home usually come up! Also, what’s better than wearing a bunch of different costumes? You can go from being Elsa to Lil Wayne to Ed from Wilsbach all in the matter of one weekend. Who doesn’t love pumpkins anyway?! You get to decorate them for this cute, bewitching holiday. Now that the hot weather is fading maybe we won’t leave every frat party looking like we’ve just jumped in a pool.
5.  Sweaters. Now, most people may view our cold and elongated winters as a downfall, but they are very wrong. We get to wear cute fall sweaters and combat boots for twice as long as the rest of the college population!! Who doesn’t love curling up in a big, wool knit scarf next to the Hunt Union with a latte? We get the best of both worlds; some days we can run around outside because it’s a beautiful 65 degrees, or, on other days we can curl up under our blankets and watch movies with our roomies.
6.  Hiking. Back to our amazing views. Table Rock is a picturesque, beautiful spot where you can see the mountains for miles. Although this spot is located on the Hartwick campus, I still consider it #oney because we clearly are the better school.
7.  Football. I love that we all crowd into these tiny dorm rooms and throw together what little money we have to get chips and dip while screaming at our TVs. Even if you don’t like football, you know you love watching the boys down the hall get angry when their team is losing. After all, since we don’t have a football team of our own we have to take what we can get!
8.  FLANNELS. Okay, okay. I know you wear your flannel every Wednesday to country night at Choice, but now you can wear it to class! A flannel with leggings, a scarf, and boots? Seriously, is there anything better than that?
9. You know you love these bad boys.
And they sell them in Mills Market! *crying emoji face* If you don’t binge eat these cookies are you even human?
10. Thanksgiving dinner at Wils. Thank you Oneonta for giving us a taste of home before we go back, literally, and letting me gain an extra 3 pounds before going to see my friends and family. The stuffing is bomb, and the turkey isn’t even dry. Buffet style is what I live for and if you don’t have at least 4 plates piled up by the end of the meal, go back to Hulbert.