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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oneonta chapter.

In the world we live in today, you as an activist may start to feel discouraged that the equity and equality you are searching for may never arrive. You might even feel like what you do won’t matter, but it does. While you may feel this way sometimes, here are a few tips to help you stay focused on your goals as an activist.

1. Don’t let the hatred in the world make you pessimistic about real change.

When seeing new issues emerge every day, it might be discouraging to continue the fight. You might think to yourself, “With all the hate in the world, is it possible to change mindsets and society?” The truth is that every day you are fighting, you are one step closer to improving the injustices you notice in the world. Keep fighting â˜ș

2. Write down your goals and put them somewhere you’ll always see them.

By writing down your goals, you can hold yourself accountable for the things you would like to accomplish. These goals can be small or large. By having a list somewhere you are able to always see, it is a constant reminder of what you are working so hard for.

3. Patience is essential.

Be patient, as things do not happen overnight. Change is something that occurs in baby steps, and you alone cannot rush the process of change. It is acceptable to want things to evolve into better circumstances, but do not be disappointed or discouraged if somethings get delayed or turned down.

4. Self-care is essential, or else you won’t be able to help others that are in need.

Self-care is essential in working so hard for others. If your mental and physical health isn’t in check, you won’t be able to give 100% to everyone else that needs your help to fight for them. Make sure you check in with yourself every once in a while.

5. Keep good company around.

Just remember that you aren’t doing this alone. This fight is one that isn’t easy, and with the support and positivity of company, you can feed off of that optimistic energy to continue your fight.



Hello, my name is Angela! I am currently a freshman and am super excited to be writing for Her Campus Oneonta!
Shea Murphy

Oneonta '19

Shea is one of the Campus Correspondents for the HC Oneonta Chapter! Shea is a senior studying Biochemistry at Oneonta. She is a self-proclaimed photographer and loves spending time with her friends and family. When she's not in the lab or studying you can find her outside staying active and enjoying nature!