If you’re anything like me, you often overspread yourself. You’re constantly running from class to class, to meetings, to practice, to community service & everything else under the sun. Being an involved student on campus is way more draining than most people think.
As an incoming freshman I was eager to join any & every club. As the four years have gone by, I realized some just weren’t for me & learned some others were a better fit. But as my time to graduate approaches, I want to give some advice to other students like me.
1. Keep going! Your days are going to be long & some days you’re going to wonder if it’s even worth it. Just keep going because it is so worth it! Every minute you spent planning events or at practice with your friends has shaped you into the person you are today.
2. Don’t ever question yourself. Questioning will only cause you to overthink. Doubting yourself can ultimately make or break you. Do I really need this on my resume? Is this just a waste of time? All of these questions come to mind when you start feeling tired; believe me I have questioned myself many times! But this can cause you to quit clubs, or stop doing community service, or stop trying. At the end of the day you will end up with no plans, & nothing to do so don’t question yourself; just stay strong!
3. It’s okay to say no! I’m guilty of not saying no because I always want to be the reliable friend, teammate, or E-Board member. But saying no is 100% okay & sometimes necessary. Don’t feel obligated to say yes & squeeze that errand into the little time you already have. For students like us, saying no isn’t part of our vocabulary. Make sure to add ‘no’ to free up some time in your schedule!
4. Make time for yourself. Being involved in so many organizations, classes, internships & so on can consume all of your time. Make sure whether you save time at the end of your day to watch your favorite show or read your favorite book or even paint your nails, make sure to save time!
5. Reflect. Four years are over in the blink of an eye & when you are over-involved on campus it goes even faster. Take time to reflect on all of your experiences. Keep a journal, constantly add to your resume, or even just talk about it to your friends. Reflecting is key to realizing all the great things you have accomplished in your college career!
If there is any more advice I could give, it’s that it will all be worth it in the end! When you walk across the stage at graduation with cords from multiple organizations you will think to yourself ‘I did it!’ When you look back at pictures with new friends you made in your clubs you will think ‘we did it!’ When you look back at college you should feel proud because you made it!