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The Best Parts of Fall

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oneonta chapter.

Fall is my absolute favorite time of the year! From the beautiful weather, to the fun activities, here are some of my favorite parts of the season.

Fall festivities!

Fall gives us so many fun things to do to enjoy the beautiful weather. Sports events, apple picking, pumpkin picking, and speaking of pumpkins…


Who doesn’t love a good PSL? You can even buy pumpkin spice K-cups! Take a walk through the grocery store, there is literally pumpkin everything ,and I’m living for it.

Fall clothes.

Fall let’s us be comfy AND cute in sweaters, leggings and flannels. Not to mention the beautiful colors and patterns that I can’t seem to buy enough of.

The scenery.

Fall, without a doubt, provides the most beautiful views of the whole year, especially here in Oneonta. The trees are changing color, leaves are fluttering around us, and our neighboring mountains look more beautiful than ever.


Halloween is always a great time, no matter what you do. Whether you go all out and transform into your favorite characters, or stay inside and watch Halloween movies (“The Little Vampire” is my personal favorite). Halloween is always a night of fun and overindulging in candy!I hope you take the time to enjoy this beautiful season, I know I will!






Natalie King

Oneonta '21

Hello! I'm Natalie and I am a senior here at SUNY Oneonta. I'm a Business Economics major with a concentration in marketing, and I'm one of the Campus Correspondents for the Her Campus Oneonta chapter. Some of my favorite activities include binge watching The Office as well as various reality TV shows. I also love playing soccer and spending time with my friends and family.
Kenzie Negron is currently a senior in college studying at SUNY Oneonta to pursue her dream career of being a high school english teacher as well as a part time journalist. Kenzie is the proud Campus Correspondent for the Her Campus Chapter at SUNY Oneonta. Kenzie is also the author of her own blog; http://sincerelykenz.com. In her spare time, Kenzie enjoys snowboarding, indulging in tacos, and hanging out with her friends. You can find out more information about Kenzie by following her on Twitter and Instagram (@kenzienegron).